The day just seems to have flown by, and I can't say I got a lot of anything done. I did have husband drop me off for a walk this morning. It was very cold - only 24F (-6C) with a windchill of 11F (-12c). The temperature was pretty steady throughout the day, so it didn't get a lot warmer than that. I bundled up. The trick is layers. It's why most of my winter clothes seem to be a size or two bigger than what I need. I also had my handwarmers in my gloves. It was really peaceful on my walk. Probably because I was one of the few people crazy enough to be walking in it. There were lots of Geese on the lake, a Beaver or two, lots of Muskrats and even a Blue Heron! I could see where the beavers had been busy at work. There were paths in the freshly fallen snow where they had dragged things from one part of the lake to their lodge. It's really amazing to see. Well, at least I find it amazing!
There were lots of leaves peeking out of the snow too. I found them really fascinating and took a bunch of photos.
Here's one. A lot of them were sitting upright. How wonderful nature really is!
I came home and actually ended up falling asleep, but only after having some toast and marmite (love it or hate it) and some Broccoli and Cauliflower Cup-a-Soup. I had it in a mug I bought when I was with Mum. We took a trip to Cadbury World and it's a souvenir from there that made it all the way back to America with me. Good memories of Mum. I suppose I was thinking a lot about her today as sister said she was going to Mum's bench in Felixstowe today. I hope the weather stayed good for her!
I did go up in the craft room today (as I was chilly and it's warmer up there lol) but seemed to just move things around! I really need to get back on my decluttering wagon. I will make a list of places to sort through for the upcoming week.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend! Can't believe it will be December tomorrow!!!!
Loved the picture of the snow and the leaves. I've been hearing about the lake effect snow on the news; keep warm and safe!