
Friday, February 21, 2025

End of the Week

I haven't posted for a couple days. Just having a few blah moments. I think I'm just feeling the mid-winter blues. Even the decluttering hasn't been happening the last couple of days. Winter really seems to be dragging on. There seems to be some relief in the forecast though with temperatures getting above freezing. The downsize to that is that the snow will just become an icy mess again at Asylum Lake. I think I might try walking a couple of different places as long as the roads stay clear. 

Something that made me smile this week - a video daughter sent me of Baby A helping to unload the dishwasher. It was so cute! She picked up huge plates and handed them to son-in-law. He always makes these exaggerated noises when he picks up something (to demonstrate to her) and she copies him right back. Really cute. Daughter says that when either one of them is doing it she wants to help. I think she'll be helping daughter cook at some point!

I am looking forward to the weekend. Husband is taking me to South Haven tomorrow morning. As the temperatures have been really cold this week the ice along the lakeshore has returned with a vengeance. I'm hoping to find inspiration to take a few photos. In the afternoon he and older son are going to husband's friends for a get-together. I'm going to go up in the craft room and see if I can get rid of a few more things up there. Ha ha. 

On Sunday we are planning a trip up to Muskegon. Another lakeshore town. It has two lighthouses and a channel of water that is generally kept free of ice so lots of ducks stay there. I'm hoping for a bit of photography there too!

Photo for today - A Blue Jay in the garden this week. Calling out to warn the other birds in the area of a circling hawk or trying to scare other birds away from the feeders? Could be either. They can be so dramatic!

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