
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Stay Back Horrible Flu!

Husband and son have had another couple of days home with the dreaded bug. Husband finally went to the doctors to get checked out. It is the flu. Apparently, this is a nasty one that isn't covered by any flu vaccination (neither one of them had a flu vaccination but say they will get it next year!). I think it's the first time either of them has had the flu and now they realise just how miserable it can be. So far, I'm doing ok. Maybe it's something I've already had. Fingers crossed. 

I went for a cold, icy and snowy walk. Sigh. It wasn't a great long walk. I think my walking friend (who tracks these things) says it is a little over three miles. It might have been almost four as we did walk a little bit longer than the last couple of days. There is snow forecast and I'm not sure I'll get out tomorrow.  I didn't want to go home after. To be honest, I needed a little alone time. Not good for the budget. I didn't spend a lot. That's all I'm going to say, though it wasn't as bad as it could have been! 

It's snowing as I write this. I'm pretty sure I'll be staying inside. I think husband will be home tomorrow, but son says he is going to try to go to work. He is hoping - and going to ask - that he work inside. If he can't make it through the day, he'll be home at lunch time. 

The plan for tomorrow is to do some more decluttering. I am slowly plodding along. The magazines I wrote about the other day have now mostly been sorted. The craft room is slow going but I will make progress. I might look around to try to find some sort of senior craft group where I can donate some items. I think I would feel a bit better if I knew they were going to good use! There are a few more I'm planning on putting up for sale at least for one cycle. 

When you are decluttering do you think of the price you paid for an item, or do you just donate and chalk it up to a buying mistake? I think a lot of what is holding me back is the waste of money. But then, holding on to the things isn't doing anybody any good and it is holding me back from having the house as I wish it to be. 

No exciting photos today, just a lovely mug of hot Broccoli and Cauliflower Cup-a-Soup out of a mug that always makes me think of Mum as she got me it for Easter one year with a lovely chocolate egg in it. 



  1. Expensive mistakes! I've made a few; I donate just to get them out of the house, benefit a charity and maybe make some happy shopper's day. I haven't the patience for trying to sell them.
    Here's hoping you stay well.

    1. Thanks! I like the idea of making other shoppers happy or even just making a little bit of money for a charity I support. I do sell some stuff but at some point I am going to have to let more go to donation.

  2. Oh, no, it is the dreaded flu! I hope they both recover soon and that you will not come down with it!
    I'm glad you got to spend a little alone time and do a little retail therapy. :) Give yourself a little guilt-free spending allowance in your budget. I allow myself $20 per month to spend on craft supplies or little treats. I don't always spend it each month, but, it's there if I want to buy something.
    Well done on sorting the magazines you found. I think it's fine to try and resell some items you've bought to try and get back at least some of the money spent on them. I generally donate as I don't want the work of trying to sell things, although, long ago, I used to hold yard sales every now and then, with one of my cousins.
    That's a lovely mug and the soup sounds delicious. :)

    1. I think that's a good idea with the little amount to spend on myself. Perhaps I won't feel so guilty!
      I do a little selling on the side so some is okay. I just need to learn when to draw the line and let things go, otherwise they are just going to sit in the house! With some things I gave them x amount of time and then donated, so I see myself doing more of that.

  3. I hope your menfolk recover soon. Flu is nasty.

    1. Thanks. They are slowly, very slowly recovering. I think. Maybe

  4. Hopefully you are spared. I need to get more walking outside to clear my cobwebs, cold or no cold weather.

    1. Thanks. I do think the cold weather clears your head. It was pretty cold here this morning and it was actually okay once I was walking. It wasn't windy so that helped!

  5. I just mark it down to bad judgement on my part. After all, whatever you do with it, if you're not actively using it, it's a waste of your money and a waste of your space - donate it and someone else may get use from it.

    Fingers crossed you don't get that flu - it sounds really horrible. xx

    1. That's a good way of thinking. I think I have to change my way of thinking. Perhaps I need to weigh the emotional cost of having it in the house and clogging things up v the money spent. I have to make better decisions going forward.

  6. That mug of soup is a hug - the soup and the memory.

    I've heard that it's really hard to let things go if you see it as 'money wasted'. That value is apparently also often over-valued. I look at my shopping failures and it stings. I'm trying to take the view that I need to be kind to myself and think of things not as having a value but as something that is either making my life better or worse, or is it making life easier or harder? Is it part of a block that's stopping me getting on with things? This is something that I've only just seen (long story involving YouTube and knitting in car parks) but I'm hoping that my view will help you think about things in ways that help you. Heaven knows I don't have any answers. Hugs x


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