
Saturday, February 8, 2025

Mixed Bag Saturday

Oldest Son woke up feeling quite poorly this morning. His fever was quite high. He made sure to dose up with water and pills. I think most of the morning he rested and drank lots of fluids. Poor guy. He's gone to bed early tonight. Hoping he'll feel better tomorrow so he can go back to work on Monday. We'll see. Apparently, it's really making the rounds here. 

Husband and I did go out. It was cold, grey and dull, but at least we got out. We drove down to the Amish Shop, spent too much money and came home again. We did stop at a little park, but it was bitterly cold and we didn't walk far. We did see 5 eagles out on the ice-covered lake. 

Here are three

None of these are full grown eagles. The ones on the right look like this years' babies and the one on the left is a little older. They don't have completely white heads until about 4 or 5 years old. There were two more up in a tree. I didn't see much open water, so I'm not sure what they were hoping to catch!

I came home and did a bit more sorting. Middle Son had asked to do some washing (sheets and comforter) at our house. I'd said yes before Oldest Son came down sick, so Middle Son just dropped it off and picked it up later! Oldest Son was on the sofa so I went upstairs to do a bit in the craft room. 

I'm really frustrated about it. I'm not sure what I'm willing to get rid of at this time. I was particularly frustrated as I thought I was done sorting out certain magazines only to find I'd tucked more of them away in the craft room!!! Grrrrr... I feel as though I've taken a step backwards. 

I'm not going to let it put me off. I'm going to keep on plodding along. 

Tomorrow, husband and I are back off to the lakeshore. Hopefully, the weather will be good and I'll be able to take some photos. I haven't been doing a lot of photography this week and it's making me feel a 

How is your weekend going? Do you have plans? 


  1. Wow I've never seen five eagles at the same time. I think two would probably be my record.
    I'm sorry to hear that your son is sick; there is a flu bug going around. I have several friends that are sick. I've been calling them to make sure they don't need something from the store. If they do, I'll go get it for them but I'll leave it on their front steps. Ring the door ring bell and run. I certainly don't want to get sick and I hope you don't either.

    1. That's really nice of you! Both husband and son are sick now. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that I don't get it too!
      I've seen nine at a wildlife refuge on the other side of the state. When I was in Minnesota a couple there was telling me about a place in Minneapolis where two rivers meet that there are lots of eagles seen in the winter as most of the water is frozen over. I saw some of the photos posted by another visitor there and it was just amazing!

  2. This has been a slow peaceful weekend. Too cold for me to go out though; grey and damp.

    1. I'm glad you've had a nice relaxing weekend. I can't wait for warmer weather!

  3. Poor chap - I do hope he feels loads better quickly.
    I love going to a favourite ship, spending and coming home. I'm wondering what lovely things you bought. :-)

    That's decluttering for you. It's like that mythical monster - every time you cut off one head, two more grow. You'll get there and you're still making progress, even if it doesn't feel like it that much. xx

    1. Ah thanks! I'm trying with the decluttering, but sometimes it's quite disheartening.

  4. Hope the ill thing doesn't go round the family and you get out with your camera soon.
    The forecast here is for another grey week - ugh

    1. Both husband and son have it now. I'm hoping it doesn't catch me though odds are I will get something.
      Hopefully there will be sunshine soon!

  5. Hope your oldest son feels better, soon.
    Love the picture of the eagles on the ice. Maybe they were hoping to catch a fish?
    I can hear the frustration when it comes to the crafts room. Maybe for now, just get rid of the magazines you found there? That will be one item gone.
    I haven't done as much today as I had hoped to, but, tomorrow, I plan to take an hour or so to do some sewing.

    1. I think they were hoping for a hole in the ice - perhaps where an ice fisherman had been?
      I am working on the magazines. I was just excited because I thought I was done with them. That's part of the problem. Things are tucked away everywhere.

  6. The bugs are doing the rounds, aren't they?

  7. It sounds like photography is your sanity saver.

    Sending hugs for the craft room situation. I absolutely recognise it and I have no answer. It's all so overwhelming.

    1. Photography definitely is good for my mental health. It makes me less anxious about things and just gives me time to let my mind wander.
      The craft room's just overwhelming. I keep trying to give myself little goals to help make progress

  8. I'm waking up this morning and feeling off, not physically but mind is everywhere again. It's Super Bowl Sunday so there will be that later to watch. I've got food to pep it up a bit. I feel you on the decluttering. Mine current nemesis is my office. I've gotten rid of so much but hardly feels like it's different.

    1. Hope the Super Bowl gave you time to get outside of your head and just not think for a while.
      I know what you mean about the decluttering. I'm hoping that, at some point, I will begin to see progress! I'm getting rid of lots of things, but it still seems there is more lurking in the darkness!


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