
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Brr it's Cold

It's been a horribly cold couple of days. I haven't been out for a walk at all. I don't think I'll go out tomorrow morning either. It's supposed to be -3F/-19C in the morning when I would go for a walk, so I don't think I'll be going out. Hopefully it's the last really, really cold day. We are going to be below freezing for a while, but not these ouch ouch ouch temperatures (I don't know how else to describe them!). I imagine the wind chill will make it feel a lot colder. At the time I'm writing this (9.44pm) it is -6F feeling like -25F which is -21C feels like -32C. I am so thankful that I have a warm house to be in tonight. We've had more snow the last couple of days too. Husband said he cleared another 6 inches off the car this morning. He had to clear the roof and driveway when he got home from work. Because it's so cold, the salt isn't working on the roads, and they are in a terrible shape. There have been a lot of accidents. I've been staying inside.

I did pop out to watch the birds and go out to fill the feeders a few times today. I took a few photos and then darted back inside again. It made me appreciate the warmth of the house!

I don't think I'll be going for a walk tomorrow but will be back to it on Thursday when it's a bit more manageable. It's supposed to snow again then though! Sigh. I told husband that next week when our highs are just about freezing, we'll all feel as though we're in a heatwave!

I did get a bit of sorting done today and I listed a few more things on Ebay. I actually went up to the craft room too.  Admittedly, I didn't do a lot. I looked around, got a bit disgusted by all the stuff and turned around and walked out again. I did cross stitch a little today in the afternoon. It's been a while!

I started a new one, so it doesn't look like much of anything right now. Hopefully I'll continue on with it and show some more! 

A photo from Sunday - our visit to the Grand Haven Lighthouse. It was snowing but managed to get a few pictures!


  1. Brrrrrrrr ... I haven't experienced that cold of weather since I was a kid growing up in northern Indiana.

    1. It's horrible. Husband says this is more like what it used to be when he was a child

  2. I haven't done cross stitch in a while, but I've always loved it and that moment when you lay everything out and put the first stitches in with all the possibility is always wonderful. You're currently doing better than me at the decluttering, so I'm taking encouragement from you.

    You are awesome for looking after the birds. I couldn't cope with that weather!!!

    1. I just have to keep doing it. I used to be able to see the holes a lot better. It's a little frustrating.
      The decluttering is going slowly but at least I'm adding a few things to the pile. The poor birds are just eating us out of house and home. I feel bad for them though so am carrying on feeding them

  3. It sounds brutally cold! Stay indoors and keep warm!

  4. I really need to cull more craft stuff.... or use it up. What are you cross stitching.

    1. That's my goal for the year! It's a Christmas design. I'll try to remember posting the design next time I take a photo of my progress.

  5. Lovely photograph of the lighthouse in the snow. It is so cold where you are - I don't blame you for staying indoors in the warm. Pity those poor souls who don't have shelter and warmth.

    1. It's very cold. They do have warming shelters. Unfortunately, some people don't want to use them. There have been reports of people sleeping out but I can't imagine how!


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