
Sunday, January 26, 2025

Weekend Catch-up

Here it is Sunday again and I haven't posted in a couple of days. I've just been tired at the end of the day and not wanted to do a lot of anything!

Husband and I ended up at son's on Friday. Poor husband was coming down with something but he soldiered on. We got a lot done, but we'd both had enough halfway through the day and decided to start again on Saturday. Saturday morning we were back at it. Older son came with us to help as well. We got a lot done. As much as we could. Older son and husband had plans in the afternoon, so we left around noon and let other son finish up. Today he left the keys. He's done as much as he can. He's glad to be done with it. I'm not sure what will happen from here, but the amount of time we spent there we know we did what we could considering it's an older place, that he's lived in for nine years and there was some fixes they had done that they didn't finish. 

Poor husband still isn't feeling well. He's been coughing most of the weekend. It sounds like something is going around at work. One of his workers had left early on Thursday feeling sick and been off on Friday. Another one has already called in sick for tomorrow. Husband is going to go in, he has to put in the hours for his workers so they can get paid. He's not sure whether he'll stay or not. He'll see how he is. 

He did drive me around today. He sat in the car most of the time but got out at the last spot. We went to the lakeshore so I could take some photos. It was good of him as he wasn't feeling well. I think he felt a little sorry for me as I'd been stuck in the house all week. He did get out at the last little lakeside park to walk out on the ice with me. I won't go by myself. It's thick at the edges, but sometimes part of it is brittle and I wouldn't want to hurt myself and have no-one with me! He said the air felt good for a bit. 

It was beautiful out. Cold, but it was partly sunny. Up on top of the ice was stunning. It's amazing how far out the ice is!

I am standing in the lake as I take this, and all this ice is formed when the waves come up and the lake freezes. Seeing scenes like this is the only good part about winter!

The weather looks to be better this week. I'm going to make the most of it. Get out for some walks. Replenish the cupboards and freezer. Finish up my monthly decluttering. 

Do you have plans for the week? I can't believe January is almost at an end!


  1. Hope your husband recovers quickly and you don't catch it! Week ahead is already full of appointments 😐 rather than events 🙂

    1. Thank you. I hope the appointments all go well!

  2. That picture looks like it's from a dramatic movie! Sending all good wishes to your son who's moving. It sounds like he will be in a much better situation.

    I hope that your husband feels better soon. Some of the bugs going around can really wear you down.

    1. It looks so dramatic. Seeing the ice is the only thing I like about winter lol

  3. Isn't that photo beautiful. Reminds me of icebergs.

  4. Stunning photograph. The last time, probably the only time, I walked on a frozen lake was in Germany, when we lived there.

    1. It's fun to do but only safely. Some people go out too close to where the water is. Not good.

  5. Sounds like a busy weekend. I hope your husband feels better, soon. According to the news, there's a bad flu going around. Thank you for sharing photos of the frozen lake!

    1. After the at-home week it was definitely nice to get out! He's still feeling poorly. He doesn't get sick very often.


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