
Sunday, January 19, 2025


The move with son went ok. We still have to get a few bits out. He needs to hand over the keys next Saturday so I'm hoping the weather will cooperate. Luckily, yesterday the roads were good. We loaded and unloaded, and older son and husband built a few pieces of furniture. We were all glad to be done at the end of the day! Middle son (J who was moving) girlfriend came over later with a sofa found at a thrift store and she bought him all new bedding for his bed. He spent his first night there and was a little anxious (I suppose only natural) but both he and the cat managed to have a good night!

We did pop in at the lighthouse before we went to help with the move. I'm glad we did! The sun wasn't shining, and the clouds were quite thick but at least the sky has some definition! The ice is starting to form!

Today the weather was...well, just horrible! I wanted to go up the lakeshore to Grand Haven and Muskegon to go see how the ice there was doing. We made it as far as Grand Haven. The snow was blowing and the roads were horrible! I got out there and took some photos (those aren't sorted yet). The ice was beginning to form. There were a couple of people quite close to the edge - really dodgy! Later I saw a news item on the weather channel where someone had taken a drone video of an adult and two children right on the edge of the ice yesterday! It's just crazy. A chunk of ice broke off right in front of them. I don't know what the adult was thinking! We always see things like that though. I don't understand their thinking. The person today was with a camera trying to take photos at the edge. I had my long lens and took photos safely from the shore. 

We worked our way back down the lakeshore towards home. The drive was quite...nail biting. The snow was quite fluffy and when there was a car in front of us it was just throwing up snow so we couldn't see anything. There were so many people driving without lights too! 

Here's our drive 

When we were safely able to pull over the back of our car looked like this! There was at least three inches of snow on the back (none on the front). 

It was pretty cold today. I think the high was 19F (-7C) wind chill a lot colder as the wind was about 20mph. It's supposed to get really cold tomorrow and Tuesday. We are under a Winter Weather Advisory (until Tuesday 7pm) and a Cold Weather Advisory (until Wednesday 12pm). It might mean a couple of days inside for me! I'll go crazy not being able to get out for a walk, but I think it's a little too cold for a decent one. At least I managed to get out for a little bit this weekend!

There are lots of things that need to be sorted and put away. Why do I always seem to end up with little piles of things? If I feel the urge to get outside, I'll bundle up, stand on the back porch and take some bird photos after filling up bird feeders. I'm pretty sure they will be eating like crazy tomorrow as they try to stay warm in the frigid temps!

What plans do you have for the week?


  1. Glad the move went OK. Your son will soon settle in. That snow looks very pretty but scary to drive in.

    1. It was quite harrowing! He is settling in now

  2. Pleased to hear that your son's move happened without incident. Your snowy drive was certainly nail-biting. I don't envy you the cold weather. People just don't seem to engage their brains when the weather is bad, do they?

    1. There have been so many accidents in the last few days. People don't seem to want to slow down, speeding on icy, snowy roads. It's better to be a little late (or leave earlier) than having to rush.

  3. I'm glad your son's move went well.
    Oh, my goodness, that snow on the back of your car! Wow! I'm glad you made it home safely.
    I also end up with piles everywhere! Or, worse, boxes and bags with piles in them! Need to get myself organized and back on a cleaning/decluttering schedule!

    1. Thanks. I am plodding along with the decluttering. It's going slowly but at least I'm continuing on

  4. People frighten me, they take such risks. Especially near edges; cliffs, on the beach or on piers during storms... I can't imagine the sea, or your giant lake that looks like a sea, freezing over.

    1. Some people are really crazy. I don't understand the need to get that close to the edge especially for a photo!

  5. Just reading and looking at your photos makes me feel so cold. Very nasty weather indeed - take care. xx

    1. Thanks! Hopefully, tomorrow will be the last really cold day

  6. That's crazy drive for sure! We have same forcast bitter cold. I do the same - little piles here and there. Why?!? I need to be better. The sun is shining and it's warm in the window, I hope to get some Vit D that way.
    Have a good week.

    1. It's been horrible the last few days. I have got a bit more done in the house though. Sad thing is we've had lots of sunshine and it's been too cold to enjoy it!

  7. That is scary weather!

    People take stupid risks without realising that other people are affected as well. My sort of second cousin was on the lifeboats and a few years ago he got called out during Christmas dinner. Some people had thought it a good idea to walk along the prom during a bad storm and got swept out to sea. I don't know if he saved them.

    I hate the little bits that get left over - it's what I think of as the chaff and it's fiddly. I hope that you can get it sorted out. Hugs x

    1. It is really hard for the rescue people. I can't imagine trying to get out there to save them. They keep putting things on the news but some people just don't pay attention.


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