
Friday, January 31, 2025

January Decluttering Accountability

*Firstly, let me say that I didn't begin the decluttering until Jan 10th 

I'm actually quite pleased with how the month of decluttering went. It's certainly an ongoing process. There is a box in the corner that I put things in. Sometimes, it's something I see when I'm looking for something else and other times it is more purposeful decluttering. I think it's going to be a matter of getting rid of things AND not bringing a lot of new things into the house. 

* Another disclaimer.  I am a book hoarder. Reformed. Sort of. Mostly. I am really trying not to buy books, but sometimes I slip. There are a LOT of books in my house, tucked away in nooks and crannies and all sorts of places. I have a lot more to get rid of!


54 books

25 craft items

6 miscellaneous items

15 magazines

I'm still really struggling with the craft items. I go up in my craft room, look around, can't think of anything I want to get rid of and leave. Sigh. It's too crowded up there to actually do much crafting so it needs to go. I need to just grow a bit of a spine and GET RID OF IT. Not sure what's holding me back - maybe the thought I might use it on a project, or the money I spent on it. Sigh. Any tips? 

I am finding it a bit easier to get rid of the books and I'm working my way through the magazines. 

All in all, I am pretty pleased :)


It has been a bit of a spendy month, helping son out with his new place, furniture, cleaning supplies. Sigh. Food bill, too high - I need to do better! I'm doing okay with the hobby spending. I spent about $10 this month on things from the dollar tree, which really isn't bad. 

I am going to have to decide if I want to keep on with the reselling thing. I think that contributes to some of the clutter in the house (definitely not organised) and some of the spending as I buy things to resell. Maybe I should challenge myself to sell x amount before I bring anything else in. It's nice to make a bit extra money and I was hoping to do some of this as husband slides into retirement to help fund the little trips we make. 

I'm giving myself February to see how things go financially. In March I might MIGHT start writing down every spend I make, though I must admit to being a little afraid of what I find. 


If I was a mini-figure, this would be me, out in the snow with my camera trying to capture a good shot

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