
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Been Another of THOSE Weeks

 But I'm still plodding on. Admittedly last week went very quickly.  I am chalking it up to a fail and starting again. 

There seems to be ups and downs each day. It's been a tough week for Mum and sister. We're beginning to wonder what comes next. I suppose only time will tell.  

Towards the end of last week the weather turned and we actually had snow. I got caught out one day when I walking. I sheltered beneath a tree along with some Rough Winged Swallows. It was quite funny really and gave me a nice little smile. I do enjoy my daily walks. There is just something about being outside in nature that makes my soul sing. 

I have been keeping up with daily tasks and actually doing some crafting. Hopefully I'll have some projects to share soon.

I have blogs to catch up on so I'm off to read them. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Dentist and Other Bits

 I had my dental appointment on Monday. I did okay. I had to have a filling in a very back tooth and it was quite difficult to get to. I felt at one point quite sick but I just tried to breathe through it and reminded myself that it was almost done. Ironically the bit that was the worst was polishing the tooth when done! I thought that perhaps my mouth would be sore today as it was wide open for a while but it actually feels pretty good. 

Today I had a haircut. I had it cut a bit shorter as we've had warmer weather recently and I was wearing it up all the time. Unfortunately today was a lot colder. We even had snowflakes.  Yikes. The couple of pot plants that I had outside I had husband bring in tonight as we have a freeze warning. Tomorrow is supposed to be bright and sunny (and cold) but there might be some nice frost to take photos of in the morning. I shall have to see. 

A little bit of news that I'm quite proud of. The local park where I walk asked permission to use one of my photos on the information boxes they have at the entrances to the park. Made me quite happy. 

My image is the one on the bottom right of the beaver. I was so pleased to see it. 

Tomorrow is Skype day with Mum. I will go into the day expecting ups and downs and feeling a little sad. I will try not to wallow in it or spend the rest of the day feeling sad. I hope she's having a happy day as I do like to see her smiling!

Saturday, April 17, 2021


 Well, made it to the weekend again. The last few days have been so-so, ups and downs, but I suppose that's how things will go. My sister said they had a bbq today but Mum wouldn't sit outside with the rest of them. She used to love sitting in the sunshine. 

I was supposed to have a haircut on Thursday but my hairdresser's children weren't feeling well so she had to cancel. It's been rescheduled for Tuesday. I have a (yuck) dentist appointment on Monday. Mum used to cheer me on for these as she knows how much I hate them. I'm just going to get it done. The haircut I'll be glad of. It's got to the point where I'm wearing it up more than down as it's bothering me. I ran out of hair tie thingys. I swear I bought some on Thursday but couldn't find them so had to buy some more. Luckily they are cheap enough!

Husband and son were out this afternoon/evening. I've had a quiet afternoon. Sat out in the sun and watched birds until the sun went in on the bit I was sitting in, took a nice long bath and then did some craft things - not a lot. I bought this lovely little topper set. I love these but they aren't popular in the US so are really difficult to find. This one I did manage to find on Simon Says Stamp. 

I started putting a couple together and will have to make them into cards at a later date. 

I think there are 5 designs, two of each in the packet. I enjoy putting them together. They end up looking 3D.

I was hoping to buy the new one that came out but that was snapped up! Still, I do have more than enough to keep me busy!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

 Yesterday was a pretty...productive day. I actually got some things done off my need-to-get-done-soon list. I pulled down both sets of curtains in the kitchen and washed them. I also wiped down the doors and walls. I actually feel as though I got something accomplished as well as the daily chores. It felt pretty good. I did get up into my craft room and did a couple of things. Today wasn't so great but I'm going to allow myself those sad moments and try to move on. 

I Skyped with Mum today. Before I began I had decided to try to stick to good memories and not ask so much about what she was doing, whether she was doing her exercises or talking about her flat (which ends up making her feel very confused and upset). She did okay for about an hour. I still came away feeling sad (and ended up buying two books when I went to buy groceries) but it went okay. Apart from going to the store after that I didn't end up getting much extra done. 

I have chalked today up to a blah day and will start again tomorrow. 

Photos - a couple of cards I made. Simple, but it's something. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Another Week

 Well, we're into another week. I really don't have a lot to report.

I started off the week getting a couple of things done that I've been meaning to do. I shall mark that up as a plus. There are a couple more things I am hoping to get done this week but we shall see. 

It's been so beautiful here in Michigan. Well, there were a couple of days (the weekend of course) when it rained quite a bit, but Spring has definitely sprung early here. There was even some blossom blooming on the trees. It's really wonderful to see. 

I had my second Covid vaccine. No side effects. It's nice to know that it's done. My daughter got her first one on Friday too so pretty soon our whole family (on this side of the pond) will be fully vaccinated. It makes me a little more hopeful for things to come. 

Still not a lot on the crafty front. I am keeping up with my daily pages, but that's about it. 

I hope I will have more to report!

Photo for today - I took this with my phone Saturday morning. Husband and I were on our way out for a walk to a new park. We passed by the place I walk each weekday morning and saw the most beautiful sunrise. There was a slight mist and the sun just hit things right so we pulled over for this. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Another Week

 Had a good weekend. Went to a new-to-us park and had a lovely walk. The weather was really nice on Sunday and, because of Easter I think, the park wasn't too busy. It was so beautiful and definitely a must to return to. 

There were so many trails and paths to walk it would probably take us a few times visiting to walk them all! My feet were so tired when I got home, but tired in a good way. 

We've had some really warm weather. Even as I write this at 10.30 at night a couple of windows are still open. It's 19c (66F) quite warm for an April day here in Michigan. I'm not going to complain! It's lovely not having to race out to warm the car up in the morning. Even when I wake up and it's dark outside the birds are singing. 

I still haven't been too productive. I have things on a list to get done, but just don't seem to have the get-up-and-go to get them done. 

I Skyped with Mum today. Happy yet sad. I don't really know how to explain it. I'm still struggling with the changes in her. She didn't remember my older sister visiting yesterday or people coming over for Easter at my sisters (outside - bubble people and one other lot) though she remembered a while ago there being a 'party' (this was actually the Easter get-together of sorts). She wondered why she couldn't walk as well. I ended up spending a lot of time after crying and feeling really sad. Obviously I was upbeat when talking to her. How do you deal with such sudden changes in a loved one?

Deep breath. 

Tomorrow is another day. I am determined to get started on that list. 

Friday, April 2, 2021

Fail Again

 😕 Didn't do too well this week with keeping up with the blog!

April. Yikes. Where have the months gone? I've usually planned my trip home by now but with things such as they are things are up in the air. I shall just have to wait and see. I do want to get back to see Mum as soon as possible. 

My second vaccine dose is on Tuesday. I am looking forward to it. My middle son was able to get his first dose. He drove 30 miles for it, but thinks it was well worth it. When I spoke to him yesterday he said his arm was sore but that was it. I haven't spoken to him today yet but I hope that was all that he had. 

I Skyped with Mum on Wednesday. She's about the same. I'm not sure if some of why she's lacking motivation is that she doesn't want to go home. I think when she came down with Covid she had such a fever and trouble breathing that she was hallucinating. I really think she thought she was going to die in her chair and no-one would know. Sister took a video of her flat when she went to check on it and showed it to Mum but she didn't want to see it. Mum is still very confused and I'm not sure that's going to change. Sister spoke to the therapist who is coming again next Thursday and is going to try to talk to Mum about her flat. 

Now I remember why I didn't post. I was going to on Wednesday but after Skyping with Mum the post would have just been a rambling one about what's going on with Mum. I decided it was better not to do it. I really enjoy seeing and chatting with Mum but it makes me sad too as sometimes now she's such a different person. I keep saying to myself 'that's not what Mum would say'. I have to learn how to stop doing that. I am really glad she survived the Covid. 

Anyway, I shall end this post now before it does become a whole rambling post. I hope to be back tomorrow sounding a little more upbeat. 

Photo today: - 

Funny little squirrel. He knows there are peanuts up there, but he isn't sure how to get to them!