
Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Happy Christmas

As I write this the day is almost done. There's a slight strangeness that the day I've been thinking about for so long is over. All the worry, the anxiety, anticipation and a bit of sadness is all done. I'm still not sure why I get so worked up about one day. All-in-all it wasn't a bad day. I did get up and go for a little walk. I watched the beavers - they were very busy this morning - and then I came home, and husband made a small breakfast.  Middle son came up and we opened some presents. 

My sister and I chatted for a few minutes, and she sent some photos of them celebrating as well as a video toasting Mum. That made me cry a little bit. I miss her like crazy. Sigh. I was cheered up when daughter and Baby A video chatted while Baby A opened her gifts. She does pull on the wrapping paper and - as a lot of young children are - was more interested in the wrapping paper than the gifts lol. She did play for a little bit with different toys. It was nice to see her. Certainly made my day!

Over at MIL's we had lots of food and exchanged a few more gifts. It was quite relaxing. Some nice chats. I showed MIL the video of Baby A walking. She was pleased to see it. 

Later afternoon we went back home. Middle son went on to his girlfriend's as they are spending the afternoon with her parents. It was nice and quiet at home. I relaxed for the rest of the afternoon and evening. There's some cleaning up to do but I thought I'd leave it until tomorrow. 

I hope everyone found something that made them smile today. 

I didn't take many holiday photos today but here are a few more ornaments from the tree and my stocking presents!


  1. Replies
    1. It wasn't bad. Thanks. Hope yours was good.

  2. Your tree ornaments are so pretty and unique.

    1. Most of the ones we have on the tree this year are mostly hand made or they mean something to us. We don't have a colour coordinated tree lol

  3. Yes, we prepare for Christmas so far in advance and then, it seems to be over in a flash, and there's a sense of let down, isn't there? I like to try and observe the 12 days of Christmas, until January 6, to get the full benefit of the festivities. The tree stays up till then and visits and gift giving is paced out. I hope you have a lovely, relaxed day on the 26th.

    1. That sounds like a good idea! In England there is Boxing Day but here in America everyone goes back to work so quickly!

  4. I tried to enjoy being with my family, and I did, but honestly am happy Christmas is over. I'm trying to incorporate more walks up nto my days I'm not working ( and those as well) as in the winter, I get pretty low by mid January.

    1. Sending hugs. It had to be a tough one.
      Winter gets me down by about then too. I try to make myself go out each day as I know that I'll feel better when I do, especially if I take my camera with me.


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