
Friday, December 20, 2024

I'm Such a Chicken - a day inside

It snowed a bit overnight and was still snowing this morning. Not a lot, but enough to just make me anxious about driving - so I didn't. I stayed inside. I felt a little off as I didn't get out for my walk BUT I did manage to get moving in the end and get some things done. 

* I actually started wrapping! Leaving it a bit late, but I got a lot done

* I made a list of what I have left to get! Yes, I still do have a few odds and ends left to get

* I made a food list. 

*We put up the tree! 

* I finished putting some stuff away that has been sitting around too long!

I also had a lovely video chat with Baby A and daughter. I must admit that I've been feeling a little down as we aren't going for daughter's annual Christmas get-together this year. Today, after work, daughter was doing a bit of cooking ready for the party and put me on the counter on video chat while she was cooking. Baby A was in her highchair, and we played peek-a-boo, and she blew me kisses. It certainly cheered me up and made my day! We are video chatting tomorrow during the party, but it's not the same as being there. I am going to try to be cheerful and keep in mind that it will only be a couple of weeks before we do visit for Baby A's first birthday! Can you believe it's been a year? I've got to focus on the good things and not think about the things we'll miss. I suppose that's the same for all people who live far away from family members. 

I am really thankful that daughter - and son-in-law - make such a great effort to include us in those little moments and do video calls. 

Tomorrow - I am going for a walk. It's going to be cold - a morning temp of 19F/-8C but it MIGHT be a little bit sunny. Hubby is going to drop me off and later on pick me up. We're going to get a bit of the shopping off my list done afterwards, before we video chat with daughter. Later in the afternoon, son and husband are going out so I'm going to get some more wrapping done. 

Photo for today - it's another of those lovely ornaments my MIL made. This is one of my favourites on our tree. 


  1. Hi Sharon. I always love the thought of snow and getting outside to walk in it. But here in the UK we rarely have really deep snow. More like an inch or so that quickly gets grey & slushy & ices over, so the pavements are slippery. I've been wrapping presents too, and it always takes at least double or treble the amount of time you think it will. I love the M-in-L's Christmas tree ornament. It makes me think of the ones I made as a kid - cardboard snowmen with cotton wool snow and glitter - my Mum would put things like that on the tree year after year. Hope you have a good time, best wishes Val x

    1. I like walking in it just not the driving. I don't think I would have learned to drive if I hadn't come here! Wrapping certainly takes longer than planned.

  2. I don't blame you for staying indoors in the warm. Very sensible! We're so lucky to have Facetime to keep in touch.

    1. Definitely! I remember when I first moved to America it was phone calls only and very lonely.

  3. First of all, I meant to wish your daughter a happy birthday on the previous post and forgot! So, please wish her a belated happy birthday from me. I'm sorry you are missing her party, but, I'm glad you were able to video chat with her and yes, look forward to the next visit, in time for Baby A's 1st birthday! What a milestone!
    I don't blame you for not wanting to drive in the snow - we have been seeing news coverage of all the snow storms in the Midwest on TV. In any case, you got a lot of things done at home!

    1. Thank you! She had a nice day though she did work. It was nice to talk with her. I do miss her.


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