It's been a beautiful start to the weekend, sunshine and quite mild temperatures. I even had my windows open for a little while yesterday! It was lovely to get some fresh air in the house after the long winter of being shut up. The ice on the trails have melted, but it's turned a bit muddy. The ice on Asylum Lake is slowly melting, less and less of it each day and more sounds of Spring! The geese have been squawking and flapping, the ducks are returning, and several swans have popped in and then out again! The Sandhill Cranes, Ducks and Geese have all been mating so perhaps there will be lots of babies about in the summer!
It's so nice to have plentiful sunshine and warmer temperatures. Having the sun shining certainly picks up my mood. I've been making lists and getting things done. The piles in the living room are going down - not nearly enough but they are getting there. I have some organisation to do, downstairs mainly. I feel as though if I get that sorted, I can have things more in order and cleared out from up here. The ultimate goal is to get rid of things but that, I think, is going to take a while. I did look at some of the things downstairs. Eeek I have a storage container or more of yarn that I don't think I'll use. I'm almost ready to let it go just to have the spare tubs and get things a bit more organised. Almost.
I do need to get moving though. Once May comes, we'll be a lot busier, and I'll want to be outside more so I need to move faster now. I feel as though once the living areas and the front porch are done, I will feel a lot happier. I feel like I need a plan of attack!
The last post had a snowy photo, things have all changed so here's a nice sunrise.
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