
Friday, March 14, 2025

Rolling Around to Friday Again

The middle of March. Already. Wow. Yesterday was another productive day. Today, meh, not so much. Yesterday my hairdresser texted and asked if I could manage to go for an appointment today 12.30. She had to cancel the one last week as she wasn't feeling good. I said yes. I had to keep reminding myself today that I had the hair appointment. I don't generally do one on a Friday. I also had to keep checking the time to make sure I was going to message sister at the right time! Our clocks changed and hers haven't! We are now four hours behind instead of the five. Both things, little as they are, knocked me a bit off kilter for the day. 

Before the hair appointment, I made the mistake of popping into my local Joann's crafting shop. They are going out of business - all the shops are closing. It's been such a part of my crafting life since I moved to this area. It was a little sad to see the shelves so bare. I did pick up just a couple of items. Even though I'm trying not to buy craft items I'm a little sad to see it shut. We do have a Michaels and a Hobby Lobby (which is becoming more a decorating shop than a craft shop and, for personal reasons, I try not to shop there) but other than that even the little independents all seem to be closed. I suppose with online shopping people aren't shopping in them so much anymore. I remember back when MIL was quilting and the sales were on the queues used to be halfway around the shop! Now it seems mostly empty when I'm in there. Sigh. 

Didn't manage to get a lot done. Husband got off work early (he put in all his hours this week) so he took 2 boxes and 1 bag of donations to the charity shop. I had a good message time with sister, though the time change really put a crimp in dinner time lol. After, I even did a little video call with daughter and Baby A. 

I suppose, all in all, not a bad couple of days.

Plans for the weekend? Honestly not too much. I'll be going for a walk in the morning, weather permitting, and then I plan on doing a little crafting. I worked on getting the desk mostly clear, so I have a space to work on. On Sunday the temperature drops from of 71f /22c to 39f /5c high on Sunday. We'll be going out somewhere, just not sure where yet. 

What are your plans for the weekend? 

Sunrise from this morning


  1. The temperature is dropping here too, so getting pea and broad beans into the veg patch is going to have to wait. So, this weekend looks like reading, catching up on sewing projects, reading some more, and more sewing!

  2. I haven't been to Joann's since they announced they were going out of business. Daughter wants to go and see what might be available; maybe we'll go this weekend. I, too, don't shop at Hobby Lobby and our Michaels don't sell fabric by the yard. I guess I will be forced to use up my fabric stash until I find another good place to buy fabric!

    1. It's really sad to see. Hope you got to go there and at least see what they have left. It seems like all the craft shops are struggling. It's good to see some of these things in person though, touching the material and yarn. It's not the same buying it online!

  3. The weather is very changeable - only to be expected at this time of year, I suppose. It's sad to see independent shops going out of business.

    1. It is SO changeable - 23 the other day and today we had snow!

  4. This year, the time change didn't seem to throw me off, which is unusual. I remembered to turn the clocks ahead before going to bed and the dogs adjusted quickly so maybe those two things made a difference. Was it last March that you were in Minnesota after baby A was born?

    1. Yes! I was there until March last year. I can't believe it's been a year! We'll be back in May for a week long visit with them.

    2. I'll be retired by then if you're up for meeting up, I can take a day trip towards your daughter's area and we could maybe do coffee or lunch.

  5. Things like that totally throw me off balance too, Sharon. It shows how much these regular consistencies ground us, doesn't it? xx


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