Had a lovely day out yesterday. It wasn't particularly warm (about freezing), but the sun was shining and that did make me feel better. The ice at one place we stopped at was amazing. It was like mountains and mountains all along the shore. What wild winds there must have been in this spot to make it like that! I'm inserting a little video at the end. Even husband was impressed! He even got out and walked with me at a couple of places and managed not to have many coughing fits.
I only had a small list for yesterday and I did manage to tick off everything. One of the items was creating a meal plan for the week. I then made a shopping list of items needed to complete the meal plan. Doing a food shop was an item on my list for today! I managed to pick up everything in one place (for once). Spent more than I wanted to, sigh, but I think that's just going to be how things are. I have to admit that I rethought a couple of items I was going to buy as they were more than I was willing to pay and worked out an alternative.
I felt quite productive the rest of the day. I took care of one area that I've been meaning to sort out so one less pile in the living room! I did go up in the craft room and sorted through one tub. I didn't get rid of a lot. At this stage, I think it's good to at least look through what I have so I can think about what areas of the crafting room I do want to tackle and let go of. This will be - probably - a slow ongoing project. I want to at least get to a point where I can feel creative in there, so I am able to use some of the too-many craft things I do have!
Tomorrow and Wednesday the weather doesn't look great so I'm not sure about a walk. Not sure I want to lol. The trails were a bit of a mess today, really icy in spots and clear in others so iffy as to whether I want to chance my Yaktrax. I wish they were easy to whip on and off so I could take them along with me and just put on as needed lol. I'm sure if it rains things will be even worse!
In case it does rain, I have a list planned so I'll keep busy. I won't be going out anywhere if I don't go for a walk.
Hope everyone had a good start to the week.
While I was looking through a pile I found this
Made me smile
Here's the ice video
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