
Sunday, March 16, 2025


I don't suppose it's been a too bad weekend. I went out for a bit yesterday morning by myself. It was ok. A little chilly. I did get up in the craft room, did a couple of bits, looked at the mess and then left again. It's been like that each time I've gone up there. I'm really struggling with sorting through anything up there. I'm definitely going to have to think of a new way to approach it.  Son J and his girlfriend came over later in the day on Saturday and stayed for something to eat. I think J is finally settling in his new flat. 

Today the weather turned horrible. Of course it did, it's Sunday! There were a couple of places we were thinking of going to today but decided not to as it wasn't worth the trip when the weather was so lousy. We ended up just visiting the lakeshore for a quick - absolutely freezing - walk! It surprised me that there was still ice along the lakeshore despite how warm it's been this week. We weren't out as long as we usually are, but it was still nice to get out. Here's hoping that the weather is better next week! This afternoon, after we got back it actually snowed! 

Snow in the garden this afternoon. 

I spent the afternoon doing a bit of sorting, a bit of looking around the craft room and a bit of computer stuff. Not a really busy day, but a teeny bit productive. I have made a menu for the week, and we stopped at the shops to pick up a few bits including most of what I needed for the week. I'm trying hard not to spend too much money this week. I have a dreaded dentist appointment on Tuesday so that will be more than enough spent for the week!

A couple of phone photos from today

There will have to be some digging done before anyone can sit on this bench!

Quite windy today. Neither husband or I lasted long on the beach and there wasn't anyone else around either !


  1. The colour of the waves in the last picture along side those waves is stunning. Thank you.

    1. It was quite pretty. I only wished it wasn't winter again !

  2. Your evergreen tree in the garden looks like it is ready for Christmas! I hope the weather improves during the week.
    It sounds like you had a nice weekend. I think as long as you got something done in the craft room then, that's progress. Maybe break it down into areas? One drawer, one bin, one shelf at a time, rather than looking at the entire room?
    Good luck at the dentist's.

    1. Thankfully that snow didn't stick around. I'm trying not to get discouraged in the craft room. I'm doing a bit of sorting but also making sure that I do a bit of crafting too. It would be nicer if the room was tidier though! Thanks for the dentist comment. I dread it but one day and it will be over.

  3. Winter doesn't seem to want to let go!

    1. It's going to be a rollercoaster of a week lol. Mild one day, snow the next


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