
Monday, March 24, 2025


It wasn't a bad weekend. Pretty chilly. The volunteer clean-up at Asylum Lake went really well on Saturday. It was sunny but bitterly cold. About 40 people showed up though! It was lovely to see people of all ages, from really young children to teens to adults then to seniors. A great mix of people. 20 big bags of rubbish were picked up. I can't believe there was that much! By the time I got back home I was ready to have a nice warm bath. 

On Sunday we decided to go to Kensington Metropark which has a lovely nature walk in it. We were hoping it was going to be warmer, but at least it was dry! It's over closer to some cities and they have a series of what are called Metroparks. Kensington has 4,481 acres of land. There are golf courses, boating, running, biking, farm centre and more. They also have a great nature centre which is what we like to go to. There's lot of trails in that area for walkers. No dogs or bikes allowed (there are plenty of other areas of the park where these are allowed). It's really great for birdwatching. At this time of year, the herons are building their nests up in the rookery, which is what we were going to look for. 

They were up in their nests. It's really fun to watch one of them brings sticks for the nests to the other one. I think it's part of their mating ritual. 

Today the weather was still colder, and it snowed! Not sure Mother Nature has got the message yet that it's supposed to be Spring. My friend had texted early to say she had forgotten that she had a dentist appointment and wouldn't be walking. I was glad! I did a really short walk and headed off to go to the shops. I've had enough of snow. Sigh. 

Hopefully tomorrow will be better! 


  1. Welcome to my neighborhood. I live on the east side of Brighton and have enjoyed Kensington for about 55 years. Have you ever taken the Kensington Queen boat ride on the lake during the summer? It gives you a whole new perspective on the whole lake experience. Some years the Detroit Symphony Orchestra performs on one of the beaches (but I can't remember the name of the beach - just know how to get there). People bring in lawn chairs, blankets, etc., and picnic dinners to enjoy during the performance. (No alcohol allowed.)

    1. Thank you SO much for the information about the boat ride! It's definitely something we'll think about doing. It is such a lovely park. We live in Kalamazoo but drive there to visit! We bought a year pass.

  2. There's great excitement at a local estate (Knepp Castle) because they've managed to persuade some stalks to set up home. They are being reintroduced having been absent for decades.

  3. I'm hoping that we've seen the last of the snow. It's not a bad day here today. I'd love to see those herons nest building. Puts my little blue tits to shame.

    1. It's really fun to watch. They put on such a show! We'll return later when they've had babies and you can see the heads poking out of the nests.

  4. Kensington Metropark sounds as if it has something for everyone. I love watching herons. There is a reserve near us where we can see them.

    1. It has everything you can think of! We have herons at the park I walk at daily, but they don't nest there. It is fun to watch them fish though.

  5. Sounds like a lovely weekend, even if it was cold and snowy.


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