
Friday, February 16, 2018

Another Week

We've really had a range of weather this week - snow, rain, freezing rain, fog, sun and clouds. Phew. Quite a week! After over a foot of snow last weekend it has slowly been clearing. The roads are now clear but there is still a lot left on the grass despite the above-freezing temperatures for most of the week. It's supposed to be an okay weekend so we will be glad to be able to get out and about. We really need to start walking or we won't make our walk on our camping trip lol.

My bed topper hasn't really done much good. The bed is a lot more comfortable but my back still aches when I get up in the morning. Not sure a new mattress would help. It just seems to be laying down at all that does it. Sigh. I do think walking and exercise helps it. I think I'll give it a bit longer and then see if it's still hurting. I hate going to the doctors.

My father-in-law got some results from his surgery. He had a mole taken off his back and some lymph nodes taken out. They found 'a little' cancer in one of his lymph nodes. I'm not sure any cancer is good at all. I think the in-laws are still in shock at this point. They have another appointment in a couple of weeks to talk to the doctor as to what comes next. Seems like a long time to wait. Mum got in really quickly once her diagnosis was made.

I've had fun watching the birds this week. They have been coming in droves once the sun came out for a little while. I like this photo of some birds at this bucket. The one in the middle looks like it has an attitude. When I saw them I could almost imagine the conversation they were having. 

I hope everyone has a good weekend. 


  1. Brrrrr! I don' t know how you do it. My blood is so thin and I get so cold. Believe it or not we were 82º yesterday.
    Hope they get your Father-in-law sorted soon.
    You'd be surprised what the right mattress can do for your back.

    1. Wow. Quite a temperature! I can't wait for Spring and Summer.

  2. I hope that the snow continues to clear and that your father in law will be alright.

  3. I can just imagine what that little bird is saying too! I hope things are good for your father-in-law. My youngest daughter had cancer at 11 - they didn't wait with any of hers. I would think that they wouldn't either if it was really bad. Have faith in their knowledge and pray. Have a great weekend.

  4. Awww Sharon...having back problems is the absolute pits. I do hope you get some relief soon.
    Sending healing thoughts for both you and your father in law.

    Those birds are gorgeous. They look a right cheeky lot.

    1. I love watching the birds. I never thought I would, but they fascinate me lol

  5. Shame the mattress topper didn't work. Hope all goes well with your Father in law and that you get some relief from pain too. Take care.

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping maybe when the weather warms up my back would feel better. Mum thinks some of it may be the cold.


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