
Sunday, September 30, 2018

No Walk Sunday

We stayed in today. It was cloudy and rainy when we woke and I'm still battling this cold, so we decided to stay home. Yesterday I went for a walk in the morning. I think I overdid it and ended up spending the afternoon shivering under my blanket and feeling horribly achy. I ended up taking a really hot bath and going to bed quite early. So I thought, with the weather not being the greatest, it was probably better to have a day of rest. I did manage to sort through some photos and get them a little organised. Middle son came up for food and to watch some of the new Iron Fist season (something we watch on Netflix).  I think that, while I'm sitting watching it, I'll pull out my planner and actually use it  plan out things I'd like to get done this week on a daily basis. I find myself not getting anything done unless I write it down.

A photo from yesterday. There is a touch of Autumn in the air. The trees are still mostly green but that green is changing deeper and darker, ready to turn into the bright colours of Autumn. I can't wait!


  1. Sorry to hear you are coming down with a cold. Hope you recover quickly. Yesterday's lake photos are beautiful and so is this one.

  2. Really sorry you are feeling so rough. Maybe the day's rest will have been a comfort to you.
    The leaves are really changing around here and the drives to and from my parents' home, across country, are a delight. I do love autumn.

  3. Hope you are feeling better, nice to take a break and rest sometimes.


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