
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Busy Day

I'm feeling a bit stronger every day. Thank goodness. Today was quite a busy day as I was getting things ready for us to leave tomorrow for our week-long trip. Most everything is packed and in the morning, we just have to get up and load up the car and we'll be on our way. It's about a four-and-a-half-hour trip until our stop for lunch and then another hour or so until we reach our first stop. I feel as though I'm taking too much stuff. I have a lot of camera bits to take, and I never seem to know what clothes to take. The weather can be changeable and, as we'll be outside a lot, I always feel the need to take lots of layers, so I won't be cold. Husband says that, as long as we have room in the car, I'll be alright taking what I've packed. I would hate to sit and be cold. You would think I'd know what to take!

We don't really have a lot planned for the time away. I think we have decided to stop at one waterfall on our way to our second stop and we have rented an all-terrain vehicle thingy for a day to go on some of the back country trails. It's something husband and son wanted to do. 

Two of the state parks we haven't stayed at before so it's a new adventure. We are going up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. There is some beautiful countryside up there and lovely landscapes. It's what I really want to photograph. I think husband and son plan on doing a lot of relaxing. I am hoping to see some sunrises and sunsets. Fingers crossed the weather will be good. It doesn't look too bad. Thank goodness it will be cooler up there. Next week, in my part of Michigan, the temperature is supposed to reach 36C/97F. Yikes. I'm glad I won't be here for that!

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Some beautiful skies and feeling well enough to take a little walk. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Lost Week...and a bit

I am finally starting to feel a bit better. Not over it all, but over the worst. Phew, that was nasty. Thank you so much for the well wishes. 

I'm not sure what it was. I had a fever for several days and then a head/nose/throat combo and now it's settled into a sinus thingy, but a lot better than it was! I lost my taste and smell. Still can't smell a lot, but taste is getting a bit better. I did test for Covid, but it came back negative. It sure did feel like it felt when I had covid. I'm still not 100% but better than I was. I am out of breath a lot, but I know it will come back. 

So, what have I been up to? Well, in a reality, not a lot. Not a lot of housework got done, absolutely no sorting, and no grand adventures. We are off on an adventure next week though, a week away. There won't be a lot of walking. I'm planning on just relaxing, reading and a bit of photography. 

For now, I'm playing catch-up.  Hopefully, I'll be back into the normal routine. Thanks for the patience!

A couple of phone photos from my non-walk today. Well, the most I've been doing is walking down to the beaver lodge, sitting and watching them and then walking back to the car. Hopefully, I'll be back to normal walks soon!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Quick Check-In - Sick

Just checking in. I was all set to get back to normal and such and apparently have picked up an illness somewhere. I feel awful. I've had a fever on and off for a few days, achy, sore throat, headache, etc. Moan. Moan. I did test for Covid, and it was negative, but it does feel like I did when I last had Covid. If I could get the fever to stay away, I'd feel a bit better.

Anyway, moaning done. I'll be back as soon as I start feeling better.