
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Bits and Pieces and Plodding Along

I'm trying to get things done around the house as well as getting out and walking and enjoying taking photos. I think I really have to work on time management. Maybe that will be a project for next year! It makes things easier when I'm walking by myself as I get out early, get done walking, doing some photography and make it back home to get quite a bit done even if I have to go out and about to shops. I enjoy walking with my friend, but she gets there quite late and by the time we're done walking it's quite late. I have been sticking to my Tuesdays and Thursdays by myself and that helps. Also, on Friday, I told her I'd walk a bit but I had to be done by x time so I left and she continued on. I'd been there a lot earlier than she had so had already spent all the time I wanted to. I think that might have to be the way things go. 

It's been too hot to work in the craft room much. I have been moving things around. If I get to the point where it's really organised and I can craft more I shall think about saving for a small window air conditioner to help in the summer. That's only if and when I can get it to a point I'll be up there more. For now, I am trying to get up there for a bit organising while I can. 

I have been doing well on my meal planning. I'm quite pleased with myself in that regard. It's nice to know that meals are planned for the week and I don't have to keep wondering what we're eating each night! I usually do planning on Sunday and shopping on Monday/pulling meat out of the freezer. 

This weekend, not up to much. I did manage a walk today despite the early rain. After that I went to a couple of garage sales and a couple of thrift stores/charity shops. I found a lovely small framed cross stitch that I only paid $2.40 for and I put it up on Ebay this afternoon and it has already sold for $19.99 plus shipping! Quite pleased with that. Tomorrow we are not going out for a Sunday Adventure. I decided it was best if we stayed home this weekend as we are off 'camping' on Wednesday for another five days over the 4th July holiday. This one is just husband and I. We won't go far off the campground, one day at a nearby Wildlife Refuge and the rest of the time just hanging out at the campground. It is time away though, so we really need a weekend home. Husband has to trim some trees tomorrow that are in desperate need of some attention. I might go out for a bit, but not long. It's going to be cooler tomorrow so I might try to go upstairs for a bit. 

I have been keeping up with my Phone Photos - Things That Make Me Smile, but as I haven't been posting regularly I haven't been posting them. I have got them sorted on my phone (finally) and after tomorrow's photo I'll post a collage of the ones I've done. 

Today I'll post a funny (I think) photo of a deer. I love this time of year as they are regrowing their antlers and they look really fuzzy. This one was pulling a funny face that I managed to get. What would you caption him? 

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! My sister, in Ipswich, says the weather has been quite warm this last week. So maybe summer is finally here!


  1. Time management is something I struggle with, myself, as things take me longer to do than I think it should and I seem to tire quickly.
    Well done on the resale of that framed cross stitch!
    Oh, that photo of the deer is too funny! "What are you looking at?" :D

    1. I just seem to get distracted so easily. I have to do better about staying on task. It helps when I have lists, but I think I might have to try a timer again!
      Thanks for the caption!

  2. The deer is beautiful. His antlers look really velvety. Maybe he's thinking, 'You try carrying this lot!'

  3. Summer has now finished in Suffolk after one week!
    Back to cloud, showers and threats of wind for later.

    Hope you have a good few days away - while we have the election - groan

    1. Oh no! Hopefully it will come back again - hopefully when I'm visiting in August though I don't want it too hot!


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