
Thursday, October 24, 2024

In Minnesota

It's been a busy week! I've finally got a few minutes to update before I toddle off to bed. 

Baby A is doing okay. Her sores have mostly healed now. She will be home until Monday. Poor thing not only has the hand, foot and mouth disease, but thrush and also is teething! She has been surprisingly cheery except for today when she was really quite grumpy. It's been lovely spending time with her. She is crawling everywhere and pulling herself up on most things. It's really been fun to watch. Her personality is really starting to shine through now. it is really cute when she finds something funny and giggles and giggles. She seems okay with me taking care of her. She is quite pleased to see her Mum when she comes out of her office between meetings. She is eating most things too now. She isn't a picky eater - or not so far at least - and eats a lot of different veggies and such. They basically feed her what they eat. She does like her food! 

 My poor son-in-law is dealing with strep the last few days, so he's trying to stay away from everyone, so he doesn't give poor Baby A something else to deal with!

I haven't been out this week yet. I shall go out at the weekend and next week while Baby A is in daycare. The Sandhill Cranes are migrating through this area, and, at last count, there were 12,000+ of them! I'm hoping to at least photograph a few! 

Hope everyone is doing well. I shall play catch-up as time allows. 

You can't see her face, so I thought I'd post this one. She was trying to throw the train over the gate but isn't quite tall enough yet! Look at how big she's getting!

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