
Saturday, November 20, 2021


 Thanks for all the comments! They are appreciated. 

Jackie - I wish you were closer too. I feel sure you'd really honour Jane's treasures especially those we have to let go of. There are so many of her things (and Mum's) that I would love to keep, but that would mean my house would become overflowing. I don't think I could mentally deal with that. I have my clutter and I am by no means organised or completely tidy, but I like a bit of space lol. 

This week I am really feeling winter closing in on me. The days are becoming shorter, darker, colder and the trees have finally lost most of their leaves. It really is quite bleak. I started a new book the other day - The Secret of Snow by Viola Shipman and this passage really just sums things up. 

It really sums up my bit of Michigan. Because of our proximity to Lake Michigan we are subject to a lot of weather that forms over the lake and that causes lots of cloud. 

Ack. Enough moaning for this post. 

We're taking a much needed week off from sorting Jane's house. I will be dragging husband over there to lift some rubbish bags we filled. I made the mistake of lifting a few the other day and my poor arms and shoulders hurt for a couple of days after. 

We're feeling quite a bit of frustration, but we're also uncovering some wonderful (in my opinion) memories. We found this really fascinating photo of one of MIL's relatives. He worked on the railroads. I absolutely love the photos Jane collected of family. There are such wonderful ones I absolutely love. Must be the photographer in me. 

My MIL was also really pleased to find this locket that she had been hoping to find. It was her mother's and inside she kept photos of those most beloved to her - her husband and her daughters (my MIL and Jane). How wonderful it was to find this!

I really think this is what we have to focus on. It is things like this that will keep us going through the long process of sorting things out. 


  1. It is definitely those occasional treasures that keep one going and is why one shouldn't do a wholesale dump of stuff. The locket is lovely and that photo is fantastic.
    You're doing a great job.

    1. Exactly! There are so many treasures in the middle of the papers that we can't just throw it out. Would be easier if we could.

  2. You are discovering some family treasures among all the other not quite as relevant stuff. At the same time, reading about what you are going through is inspiring me to take a look at stuff I've been collecting! My daughter is not going to want half this stuff!

  3. Old family photographs are fascinating. Did she manage to identify all the family members in the photos do you know? The locket is beautiful and I'm glad you were able to find it among Jane's things.

    1. Some of the photos we found do have names written on the back of them. This one does say 'Me and my Crew' and was written by Harry (the relative). Jane had gone through some and put them in envelopes with their names on but not all the photos have people MIL recognises.

  4. Oh, I wish I lived closer too. Thanks for the nice comment. "Lift with your legs" - wish I would have listened...ahaha. Yes, shuffling is hard work. Nice find with the locket.


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