
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Halfway through the week...

again. Time seems to just fly by. I've been working on my garden and, sort of, planning next year. This was the first year that I've planted some veggies. I didn't do a lot as I knew that I would be gone for 6/7 weeks and things wouldn't get tended to. I'm getting through all the weeding so the patches will be nice and good to go in the spring.

Our courgettes/zucchini did REALLY well. I had some really big ones. Peppers did pretty well. Potatoes were okay. They definitely weren't taken care of but I did get some. I need to do some research on kinds of potatoes next year as these were of the smaller kind. My lettuce failed miserably. The deer ate it all - pulled up from the roots. I would love to have fresh lettuce so need to come up with some sort of idea to keep deer and rabbits out. I did some onions, but definitely could have planted deeper and more of them. Next year I would like to do carrots too. My poor tomatoes died while I was in England. Apparently they had a lot of rain and hubby thinks they caught some sort of disease. He talked to some people at work who said they were having trouble with theirs. Pumpkins - only got one small one - there were two when I looked so something carried it off. We nowhere near got enough veggies to keep us going for any amount of time, but fresh veg was certainly nice. I am going to do some reading up this winter and be more prepared for next spring.

Talking of being prepared I am going to make a list of things to get ready for winter. One part of the list will be things that I could shop for before the snow comes. We get a lot of snow and cold and I don't like driving in it so if I could stock up before winter it would mean less trips out in the snow. I feel like such a chicken for not driving in the snow BUT I did only learn to drive when I was thirty so I'm giving myself a little break lol.

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