
Friday, May 17, 2019

Putting the Week Behind Me

Next week is a new week. I'll be making some new goals and trying to write lists to keep me on track. Instead of spending the day in a blah mood and ending up doing little to nothing, I will - as suggested in the comments - do small bursts of tasks. There is sorting I want to do. I was talking to daughter about it as she has sorting of her own to do (they are still settling in their new home!). I was telling her how it all seemed overwhelming and so I ended up doing none of it. I shall instead break it down into smaller bits so it is all a bit more manageable and less overwhelming.

My birthday is on Sunday. Not a big one, but it's the last one of my 40s. Next year I shall be turning 50. I have to honestly say that I'm not dreading it. I just wish the aches and pains wouldn't come with the passing of the years! I have treated myself to a new desk chair for my craft room. I am missing crafting but find it painful to sit in the chair I have for more than about 10 minutes. Daughter treated me to some crafting goodies for Mother's Day/Birthday and I'd love to be able to use them!

I'm not sure what we're doing for the weekend yet. It will probably be a quiet one as we are taking our first camping trip next weekend. Hope everyone has a good weekend!


  1. Happy pre-Birthday! I need to wrote down some stuff myself. I always think of stuff while I am driving and that doesn't work so well for writing LOL

  2. Lists are what I do, bit at a time. It does work. Knowing that, I just ought to do it more often!

  3. Have a wonderful Birthday. Hope the chair is a little more comfortable and you are able to do some crafting. I work with lists, one little job at a time.

  4. Happy Birthday (in case I forget to say it on the day!).

    I sometimes ‘reward’ myself for completing boring tasks by agreeing with myself that if I complete X number of quick tasks, then I’m allowed the rest of the day for guilt free hobby time. It does work!

  5. Happy birthday! Hope you have a fun weekend, celebrating! We'll start cracking the whip on housework on Monday! :D

  6. If we fall 7 times, we have to get up 8 times. Happy birthday.

  7. Well, happy birthday... I have to do what your daughter suggested. I get overwhelmed too. I even set a timer for like 1 hour. I cand do "this" whatever "this" is for an hour. I often if not always find that this motivates me to try to "do" the most I can before the alarm goes off. I have a summer of cleaning out my buildings...I am a the estate buyout/antique business....can you imagine?!? LOL


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