
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Rainy Day

Another rainy day. I'm hoping it clears up before the weekend as husband and I are going away for a long weekend. I'm determined to make the best of it - rain or shine - but dry weather would be nice. No walk today as the weather just didn't cooperate. I had lunch with a friend. She brought along her wonderful granddaughter who is about a little over a year and a half. She is so delightful. We had a good natter. We hadn't been out since before I left for England so it's been a while.

Yesterday, when I realised it was October the 1st, I thought about blogging every day this month. Obviously that was an epic fail before it even got off the ground. I'm not sure what I would have said every day. Sometimes there isn't a lot happening.

I did do some crafting this morning and this evening as the weather has been so lousy out. I have been watching YouTube videos and found one that made a lovely little mini-album. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to use them for, but I gave one a try and it was really easy! I have lots of small photos and lots of paper, so was thinking I'd make some up to use for photos. The video is Easy Mini-Album. This is the beginning of mine.

For this one I used 3 sheets of 12 x 12 paper

The little pieces are the hinges to attach the pages together.

A bit of ribbon for the closure - be sure to add this before putting decorative papers on top!

This is the paper pad I used on each page. I think I brought it back from my trip.

The front decorated. I have to do the inside pages and then add photos and embellishments. I was really surprised how easy it was!

For someone who is supposed to not be shopping I have been watching far too many 'haul' videos on YouTube. These are videos people post of the items they have purchased - in my case I'm watching crafty bargains. Going up in my craft room though reminds me that I have a lot of stuff to use!

Something that made me smile today (despite the rain). Autumn is coming. There isn't a lot of colour around, but I can see the changes coming. The greens are beginning to fade and in places the leaves are changing. I love Autumn with all the bright colours before the dark of winter sets in.


  1. Maybe you can blog every other day, in October. :)

    Lunch with your friend sounds like it was fun; I'm glad you were able to get together with her.

    The mini album is a cute idea! Thank you for the link to the video.

    I love seeing the leaves change color! Not too many trees change color here, but, there are a few that do. I hope the rain lets up, soon, and you are able to have good weather on your long weekend away. Have a good rest of the week, Sharon.

  2. THat's a super book, thanks for the mini tutorial.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. We are well into autumn and the chillier days. I'm hoping to do a mini photo project to capture the season but the weather is not cooperating. I need some dry days!


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