
Friday, August 9, 2024

End of Another Week

Had a lovely walk this morning. The sunrise was lovely and the clouds - oh my - I loved them. By the time my friend had come down to the lake for the walk the clouds had all gone and the sky was just blue. I think she missed the best part of the morning!

I sat on one of the downed trees that I usually sit on, felled by the beavers quite close to their lodge and enjoyed the quiet of the early morning. There were Cedar Waxwings flying over the lake trying to catch flies, two Kingfishers competing for fish in the lake, a Green Heron flying over to land on a nearby log to fish for breakfast and there were the beavers coming into the lodge from their night beavering around in other parts of the lake. It's really lovely sitting there most mornings. I enjoy waking up there. 

Friend and I had a nice walk around. The temperature was just right.

I had one errand to do before going home where I did some house stuff and went up into the craft room. It was nice up there with the window open and the breeze blowing in. I plan on going up there again tomorrow for a bit. 

I chatted with sister this afternoon. This time next week I shall be there in England. I'm really excited! I am looking forward to long chats and walks and lots of just relaxing and enjoying time together. We get along well. 

What's up for the weekend? Not a lot. I have to look through my clothes and things and make sure I have everything I think I'm going to need. I'm not sure about tops and things as I tend to wear the same things over and over and just wash. I think there are things buried at the back of the wardrobe, but we shall see! 

What are your plans? 


  1. The photos of the lake and sky are lovely! Sounds like you had a very good day and I hope your weekend goes well, too.

    1. Thank you so much. I hope you had a good weekend

  2. A peaceful, beautiful, busy place and a perfect start to the day. Hope the packing goes well.

    1. I'm a last minute packer so hopefully it will be done on Wednesday lol

  3. You really do live in such a beautiful place. Those skies are stunning. xx

    1. They were absolutely beautiful first thing. Then the clouds all drifted away and there were only blue skies left.


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