
Monday, December 17, 2018

Start of a New Week and Peppermint Patties

I know I was moaning about the cost of the Post Office last week (and ouch it was expensive) but daughter rang to tell me today that the boxes had arrived! I only sent them out Saturday. Can't beat that. I was a little worried that they wouldn't arrive for her birthday as one contains her cards and a couple of presents. Now I can relax a little.

I did get some wrapping done today. I hate wrapping. I'm not good at it. I don't have the patience for it. I am hoping if I get some done each day it won't bore me silly and I won't be doing it on Christmas Eve. Husband has a couple of days holiday left and is taking Christmas Eve and Boxing Day off so we're hoping to go out one of his days off. Boxing Day isn't a holiday here in the US but we've always sort of done something for it. This year middle son is working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so we will be celebrating our Christmas on Boxing Day.

As promised here is the Peppermint Patties recipe

1lb powdered/icing sugar (here in the US I buy a pound bag)
3 tablespoons butter, softened
2-3 teaspoons peppermint extract
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup evaporated milk
package melting chocolate (this is to coat the peppermint patties) - I use Candiquick.

Combine first four ingredients. Add milk and mix well. I then put this into the refrigerator for about half an hour. It can be a little sticker so getting it cold helps. Roll into one inch balls, placed on wax paper and flatten. The mixture can be sticky so to make it easier to work I keep some icing sugar/powdered sugar on hand and put it on my hands to help things not stick! Cover and freeze for 30 minutes.  Melt chocolate and coat the patties. I use two spoons to coat and sort of drip of excess. You can get special tools to do this, but I've been doing it a while so have a system. Place them on waxed paper until set.

My family love these!


  1. I've made these but we don't like peppermint... so I use another extract like rum

  2. They sound lovely, thank you for the recipe which I will copy and save.

  3. Thank you for sharing the recipe! I love peppermint patties!


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