
Friday, January 25, 2019

A Little Thanks...and Off for a Few Days

Thank you all for the comments about the freezer and how you organise yours. I think part of the thing that is putting me off is that I know there are some things that will have to be thrown away and I feel really guilty about that so I've put off sorting out the freezer and organising. I am just going to take a deep breath, clear them out (we have a small one above the fridge and a chest freezer though I'd ideally like to get down to just the fridge one), and start fresh. Starting fresh will mean they will be organised, food will be used and there will be less waste. I'll have to deal with the feelings of guilt but knowing this will be the only time. We really don't need the larger freezer and I think that in itself is a waste as it's using unnecessary electricity.

I didn't go out today. It snowed quite a bit last night and it was really cold so I stayed inside. I had quite a bit to do as tomorrow morning I will be flying out to visit daughter and Shasta for a week. I'm second-guessing myself now. I will really enjoy seeing them all again, but it's going to be so cold I don't think we'll be doing much of anything except enjoying one another's company. She lives in Minnesota and it's even colder there than it is in Michigan. It's going to get down to -27F (-32C) one night and that doesn't even include the wind! The 'warmest' it's going to be is 6F (-14C). Daughter says it is too cold for even the dogs and they usually love the cold!

My flight is really early in the morning - 7am - and hopefully it will fly out despite the cold and snow. I'll check in during the week. I don't think I'll get a lot of outside photos but I will have 3 lovely huskies to take photos of!


  1. I have to do my freezers too and the same thing is putting me off too. I think there's a load of rubbish down the bottom.
    Have a lovely time despite the extreme cold, Sharon. -32C is desperately cold, isn't it? Definitely a time to remain in the warm and snuggle in a fleece!

  2. Have a wonderful time catching up with your daughter despite the cold.

  3. Have a great time! We are supposed to have -50's with wind chill here too

  4. Stay warm and enjoy your visit with your daughter!


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