
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Just Another Saturday...

I stayed in again yesterday. Sigh. There was a little more snow and the hill outside my house looked horrible (though it did clear up later). Sheila, I'd gladly send you some of my snow if I could! I admit I enjoy the first couple of snowfalls but by this time in the winter I am getting so tired of it. Instead I got some jobs done and then had fun (and some frustration) trying to take photos of snowflakes. It isn't as easy as it sounds! I found a black towel and took photos as the snowflakes fell. There were more failures than good photos but it was fun to try! Sometimes the snow doesn't fall in lovely little flakes but yesterday it did!

We went out to the lakeshore today to look at the ice at Warren Dunes State Park. They had a lot less snow than us but the ice was lovely. However there was a sheet of it on the beach so we didn't walk too far. I don't mind walking on ice that either has a little top crunch to it or sand but when it's a sheet of ice there is nothing to grab onto. I didn't want to take another spill!

I Skyped with Mum for a while. We're trying to sort out holidays and dates. Still didn't make any decisions. Middle son came to visit for a little while.

Tomorrow we're off on our mini-trip. I'm hoping it will be fun. I shall be all wrapped up with hand and toe warmers and I'll hopefully have some good photos to share! I hope everyone has a good weekend.


  1. Very clever photos - stunning, in fact.

  2. Sharon, those photos of the snowflakes are lovely! They are so pretty, aren't they?

    1. I love snowflakes (as long as there aren't too many lol). They don't always look so perfect though.

  3. I love your snowflake photos. What lens did you use, please?

    1. It's a macro lens. I'll look it up and let you know in a post.

  4. The snowflakes are beautiful. The black towel was a great idea!

    1. It worked perfectly. I tried a piece of black paper too but when I photographed it you could see all the fibres lol.


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