
Thursday, June 30, 2022

End of June

I can't believe June is over. It has flown by. Probably because we were busy with camping and Jane's house. I can't say I accomplished much except for at Jane's house. We hope to finish up this weekend. It will seem so strange to be done. Hopefully the new owner will have many years of joy in the house. Jane was very proud of her house (though not once it became so cluttered). She used to spend hours in the garden before her back became really bad. When my children were little, she used to 'hire' them to come over and weed for her. She was really proud of her garden and it is really beautiful. 

This weekend is a holiday weekend in the US. I can't say we'll be doing much of anything. If we don't get finished tomorrow at Jane's we will probably go over for a while on Saturday. On Sunday I am hoping to persuade husband to drive to the National Wildlife Refuge on the other side of the state. It will be a treat as petrol/gas is quite expensive now, but we haven't been out for a drive for a while and I'll be gone for the next three weekends (in England). That's my excuse anyway lol. Monday we'll probably have a quiet day in. 

It's quite a boring photo today, but it did make me smile as my friend and I walked in the woods. It was quite hot today and out in the sun things were hot and sticky. We made sure we stuck mostly to the woods, where the sun shone through the thick leaf cover and it was definitely cooler!



  1. It's a lovely, peaceful photo, not boring at all, just gentle.
    Well done with Jane's house - what a marathon it has been. xx

    1. Ah thanks. I like taking nature photos so sometimes it seems a bit repetitive. I am so glad about Jane's. It's such a relief

  2. Hope you get finished at the house on Saturday so you can have your trip out.
    You'll be surprised at fuel prices over here - they are frightening.

    1. Thanks. Yes, I saw that. My sister and her husband will be picking me up at the airport. They usually don't take money but I hope they will this time!

  3. That is a beautiful pic. I wonder if there is a good way to mark an end of an era when you no longer have to go to Jane's house. You have been caught up in it so long that it's going to be quite a shock to the system when you no longer have it hanging over you. Perhaps you can find a way to craft something that's a sort of 'full stop' and a way of keeping the good memory. Hugs x

    1. What a good idea! I have things I brought back from Jane's that I hope to find a way to honour her memory

  4. I don't think it's a boring photo at all. It's the sort of image I love with all the dappled sunlight and the promise of what the path leads to. I love it.

  5. That's a lovely photo, Sharon - so green and cool. Ideal for what the Japanese call "forest bathing". I do hope you are able to go for your drive to the state park. :)


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