
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Mid-Week and Catch-up

I completely forgot to post yesterday until I got into bed and by then it was too late!

We had a lovely weekend away. The weather was just above freezing each day which is really good for the Upper Peninsula at this time of year. The sun shone every day we were there. The roads were nice and clear so we couldn't ask for better. There was lots of ice and snow and that was what I had gone to photograph. It was lovely to be able to get away for a few days. There is just something carefree about going away, forgetting all your worries, not being surrounded by things you should be doing. Just to do what you want and get out and explore. 

We didn't really have a plan, just enjoyed our time away and did what we pleased. The hotel we stayed in was nice - we've stayed there before - and they had a nice breakfast each morning. 

My husband's favourite time of the weekend was the hike down to the Lower Tahquamenon Falls. They close the road down in the winter as it is a hill. It's about a mile walk down to the car park and from there about another two miles to the falls and around the island so in all about a four mile or so walk. We were glad we had our ice things on our boots as it made the walk a little easier. There weren't many people there - probably as you have to walk so far lol. It was lovely though. 

My favourite thing was going to see the piles of blue ice near the bridge. It was amazing. Not as upright as last year and it has not been so cold so we couldn't walk out so far. 

We went down there a couple of times as it was pretty close to where we were staying. It isn't somewhere a lot of people seem to visit and there was only one other person there. He was a bit foolish as he was determined to get out to the piles of ice, not paying attention to where there was some weakness in the ice. He got so far, took a step forward and one leg went in up to his knee! Luckily, he was able to keep on his feet, but we think he hurt his leg as he turned around and limped back to his car. He wasn't close enough to us to ask if he was okay. I couldn't believe he was that foolish. We could clearly see that there were areas of standing water and really weak ice. I'm glad he was okay and didn't actually fall completely through the ice.

Here's a video of the ice

Anyway, a great time was had. I'll share a few more photos as I look through them. 

Now it's back to the everyday. I didn't make a meal plan before I left so Monday evening (we didn't get back until late afternoon) and Tuesday was basically a 'yikes' couple of days. I'm back on track now so meals are planned, food shop is done.  Housework is somewhat caught up and tomorrow I'll start catching up on the clothes washing. 


  1. Such lovely but cold photos - can't imagine being out in it!
    Thank goodness the man only put one leg through - might have been a very different story

    1. It could have been so much worse. It was especially foolish to be alone out there! It actually didn't feel too bad out. The sunshine was a nice treat!

  2. Thank you for sharing the pics of the ice. It looks amazing! Hopefully it was just cold that made the lad's leg cramp up but how crazy to go out on ice?

    You sound more on top of things than me!

    1. I hope he wasn't too badly hurt. The ice can be quite sharp so I hope that was all it was. It could have been a lot worse

  3. What a foolish man. The thought of what might have happened is the stuff of nightmares. I do love that second photo. Please could I send it to my friend to paint.

    1. Very foolish. I don't understand some people. Yes, you can share. If she does paint I'd love to see it.


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