
Monday, February 20, 2023


It was a lovely start to the week, sunny and not too cold. I'm trying to make the most of it as the weather will be getting (maybe) a little iffy mid-week. I went for a nice walk and then went to the shops to do a food shop. I picked up some fresh veggies and a few odds and ends. It ended up costing quite a bit more than I had hoped to spend but I have supplies at least until the end of the week. I still have to work out what husband will be cooking at the weekend. 

I was a little productive today - at least it felt like it. I got a problem area sorted out, well, at least organised a little more. I also did get some things listed on Ebay. I have several items to package up to get ready for the post office. I'll do that tomorrow. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be ok weather-wise, so I'll be off for another walk. I am going to work on another problem area tomorrow when I get back and I have some housework to do. 


  1. Sounds like you had a very productive day! Another lovely photo!

  2. Nice and organised - good for you. xx

  3. That sounds like you got plenty done. Food is going up so much these days so it's hard to keep costs down. Sending good vibes


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