
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Book Decluttering

Not a post about my day, but about the book decluttering. Again. I have too many books. I know that I do. I am beginning to feel a little hemmed in by them. I must say, at this point they are on bookshelves, in cupboards, drawers - you get the picture - what I'm really saying is they aren't cluttering the floor or tables, but I want to free up some storage for other things. That means getting rid of some books. I just find it tough. A lot of them are like old friends, or some friends I'd like to get to know one day. Reading is a solace. I don't remember a time when I didn't read a lot. It's a love I got from Mum as she really enjoyed reading too. It was something we always talked about in our weekly Skype sessions. We'd show one another the books we were reading. I'd bring some to her when I visited, and she saved some for me to read when I went to see her. 

Reading is just something I love to do. I do have a Kindle and I have books on there, but reading from that just isn't the same as holding a book. Books are also my go-to thing to shop for when I'm feeling down. I have been doing a lot better at not buying a bunch of new books (well, new-to-me as most I purchase used). So now it's a matter of getting rid of some of the ones I have. 

This week I have managed a grand total of (insert drum roll here) ....35!

They include books I have on Kindle (groan), books I've read and I can let go of, books I haven't read and don't seem to interest me and duplicates (yes I have those too!). 

I hope to keep going sorting through them this one before letting go of some of the ones that mean more!

Here's the pics 

Now I need to box them up before I change my mind!!


  1. Oh, my! That's a whole load of books. It's so hard, isn't it? Books take on a life and character of their own. xx

  2. Wow! Well done, Sharon! I've stopped buying books, so nothing new is coming in. But, I still need to let go of some of the books I have on my shelves. I, too, find it hard to get rid of them.

  3. Well Done!
    I packed a box up yesterday too - they are off to Ziffit for a bit of income to buy some more!!


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