
Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sunday - a Little Birdwatching

Not much got done around the house today. Husband and I went out for a bit of a walk, though not for long. The afternoon was spent relaxing, reading, watching some Midsomer Murder repeats and messing around on the computer. 

Although it's been humid, it's been a little cooler the last couple of days so I've been sitting out for a little while on the back porch and watching the birds. We are having a lot of visitors to the garden, mostly parents with their fledglings. My favourites have to be the Blue Jays. They are just so funny. They have this tufty bit (I'm sure there is a proper name, but it doesn't come to mind!) on top of their heads and the babies don't seem to know what to do with it. They are also very loud. 

And they flap around a lot!

Even with the bird seed around they seem to know that bugs can be really tasty too!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!


  1. Love the pictures of the baby Blue Jays! The one in the first picture looks like it is laughing! Sundays are supposed to be days of rest, so, it's good that you relaxed and spent time with the family. :)

  2. It was a lovely weekend one way and another, thank you. I'm taking things a bit easier today. :-) xx


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