
Monday, July 31, 2023

End of July

This month has really flown by. In fact, the whole year seems to be flying by. Can't say I got as much done around the house as I wanted to. I did get a lot of books sorted out. We went on two camping weekends. It's been a month of ups and downs. 

So, what's the plan for August? I'll only be here for a couple of weeks. I am leaving on the 18th to go spend three weeks with my sister. I'm not going to plan on any big projects. I do have some things packed up that need to leave the house for the charity shop and I want them gone before I leave. The library bookshop (where I'd like the books to go) now has open donation days on Saturday mornings, so I'm going to see if I can nip down there and drop some off. Before Covid, you could always just drop off the donations, but since covid they now had 'by appointment only' and when I checked the website, they have opened up the drop off Saturday donations. The last time I tried to ring for a donation time nobody rang me back! I am sort out a few to take to an old work friend. While we were talking today, she sounded as though she'd appreciate a few. Once she's done with them, they would get passed to another old work friend and she would share with neighbours. They would be well read!

We did go out yesterday. Not far, but a little walk. Everywhere was so busy. Honestly, I can't wait until places calm down a bit. My son says the same thing. He lives in a beach town and it's really busy in the summer with long waits everywhere and people who don't always think of others too much. I know holiday makers contribute to the local economy, but it's still nice when it's quieter!

A few phone photos from yesterday

I found a spot where I could take a photo with no people, but there are lots, just down to the left of the photo lol

Some beautiful clouds yesterday

This is supposed to be the accessible ramp to the beach, but I would not want to go down it in a wheelchair. It is really quite steep! Not sure who designed it. 

Some cloud reflections in a puddle on a pier. We got here quite early and though there were people out I managed to snap a few photos without people lol. 


  1. The days are really zipping by, aren't they? July is gone just like that! Lovely phone photos!

  2. Is that sand as soft as it looks. We have some beautiful pale gold sandy beaches along our coastline.

  3. The picture of the pier is exquisite.

    Covid seems to have changed the patterns and rhythms of so many things. But it's a success getting books out so that's something! Hugs x


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