
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Plodding Along

I haven't got as much accomplished so far this week as I had wished to. I've been plodding along. Not sure if I'm coming down with something, but I've been feeling a bit achy. I have been keeping up with the basics, so I suppose that's good. I have been walking. I've walked both days with my walking friend this week. I shall walk with her tomorrow too. She's off on holiday on Thursday. It will be good to have a break and just wander along as I like to do and, if I am feeling a bit off, I don't have to walk far!

We decided not to go to the funeral tomorrow. It is just too far away and husband's time off work is limited. He doesn't have a lot of days left. He turns 60 on Friday and has taken the day off and we are going camping for the weekend. If the funeral had been on Friday we could have cancelled the trip and gone to the funeral and came back on Sunday. We have talked with Daughter and Son-in-Law and they understand. Daughter says that SIL has lots of support from his brothers and friends.

I have been keeping up with lists. Not everything is being accomplished BUT I see the things written down and they are slowly being chipped away at. 

Photo today - something that made me smile. 

A Milkweed Beetle. I like the way it is peeking over the top of the leaf. Made me smile! I really miss taking the 'Things That Make Me Smile' photos. I think I will start it again next year!


  1. Perhaps you could access the funeral online? Is it being 'broadcast', do you know. It's not the same but people seem to find it helpful.
    Loving that cheeky beetle xx

    1. It's very cheeky looking. I don't think it was broadcast. I did send flowers which were appreciated.

  2. That's a great picture! Why do you have to wait until next year to do photos that make you smile? Why not start now? Or on August 1st if you want to start at the beginning of a month?

    1. Such a good idea! I might have to do that.


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