
Saturday, July 1, 2023

First Saturday in July

Husband had a few garden things to do first thing this morning (before it got too hot and sticky) so I left him home and just went for a quick walk. As it is the first Saturday of the month I wanted to participate in A Year with my Camera's #1day12pics. I usually pick a theme. I took my macro lens with me and decided to set my theme as 'It's the Little Things'. I didn't last long. It was rather sticky out first thing - over 90% humidity. Ugh. 

When I got home, I actually picked up my stitching. I stuck on some Midsomer Murders (I watched them all but I like them!) and did some stitching. 

It's been a good day.

We were thinking of going out tomorrow (all three of us) but it's supposed to rain so no go. Husband and I will probably take a short drive in the rain - ha ha. 

Here's a collage of my 12 photos I decided to use today

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


  1. A lovely montage of photos - thank you.
    SOme rain would cool things down a bit, wouldn't it? Have a lovely day. xx

    1. Thanks so much! It cooled down for a few hours lol, but now is really muggy

  2. Oh, I love your 12 photos this month ... they're beautiful xx

    1. Thanks so much! I really enjoyed taking them. I need to use my macro lens a bit more.

  3. Sounds like a good day. It's been unusually humid here, too! 80% yesterday and over 70% today. I hope you are having a good day today, too.

    1. It wasn't a bad day thanks. I hate the humidity. I think that is worse than the heat!


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