
Thursday, October 26, 2023


A root canal is in my near future. My very near future. There was a cancellation for Monday, so I am going back to have a root canal done on my tooth. If it was a back one, I'd just have it pulled. It's a front tooth. Sigh. I'm not looking forward to it. It's really expensive too. I just have to suck it up and get it done. The assistant today was new. That wasn't fun either. Sigh. I'm going to try not to think about it until Monday...well, Sunday at the earliest.

After the appointment I went for a walk. I just needed to not think for a while. Unfortunately, that meant not a lot got done except essentials when I got home. Sometimes doing something for your mental health is more important than housework. I was thinking a lot about Mum today. She was always the one I'd chat with about my dental fear as she didn't particularly like going either. I admit to having an imaginary conversation with her too. 

Just leaving it here for today. 

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  1. I'm so sorry to hear that you need a root canal! I remember breaking down and crying at the dentist's one time, when I was told I needed a root canal! I'm glad you were able to have an imaginary conversation with your mum. I've done that with my mother, too. Love how that tree is arched over!

    1. It's not my favourite place to be. I am really lucky that they are used to dealing with chickens like me!

  2. Oh bother to the root canal. Although good to get it done quickly

    1. That was why I took the available appointment. It has to be done.

  3. Bummer on the dental work but good that you don't have to fret for weeks and are getting it done on Monday. Hope it all goes well. XXXXX


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