
Thursday, May 23, 2024

It's Thursday Already!

Ack, this week is flying by! I have not been very productive at all. I seem to be trying to catch up all week...and now we're off again for another camping weekend! This is one of the few holiday weekends that England shares with the US, though for different reasons. It's also my sister's birthday on Sunday. She will turn 60! I've ordered a card for her and some flowers to be delivered tomorrow. The flowers are rather expensive (isn't anything these days?) but I think it's a special occasion and she does some really nice things for me, so I wanted to treat her. I know they will be a surprise! She's off to London on Saturday, for an overnight trip and to go see a show so I'm having them delivered tomorrow. 

Today I had to drop some things off at the post office, pick up some snacks and camping supplies, fill the car up with petrol, do some washing, clean the bathroom and pack. I also messaged with my sister today instead of our usual Friday so we could take our time chatting. I suppose it wasn't a bad day! 

This weekend oldest son (the one who lives with us) will be coming too. I'm really looking forward to this trip. It's to a State Park we tried camping at last year, but I was still recovering from Covid, and husband got sick (with bad cold) and so we ended up only spending one night! This time we're staying in a Yurt. It does have electricity so not completely rustic lol. There is supposed to be some really good bird sightings here, lots of Spring Warblers. Our Yurt backs up on to a River. It's also by Lake Huron, another of the Great Lakes AND there is a lighthouse about five minutes walk from the campground. 

I might do a quick check-in on my phone, but I'm planning on doing some relaxing, some family time, some bird watching and some walking, so I can't guarantee. This is the last camping trip until our week away mid-June. 


Back walking at my Happy Place


From Behind the Beavers' Lodge. Things are certainly looking greener! It's so nice to see so much green. It makes me happy!


A lovely Box Turtle on the trail made me smile. We don't see a lot of them, so it was a real treat. I love the patterns on their shells


A really, really bad photo of a Snapping Turtle. It made me smile though (and I got so much better photos with my camera!). It climbed up the Beavers' lodge to lay it's eggs. It tried to come back down again, but ended up sliding down and got stuck in some sticks, so it ended up climbing up again and going down another way. Lol. 

Hope everyone has a good holiday weekend. Do you have plans? 

Oh, if you are on Instagram and want to see what I'm up to, I usually post a few camping things on my stories. 



  1. Your sister will enjoy the flowers and that you thought of her. Milestone birthdays are special. Your weekend trip sounds terrific. I love the turtles.

  2. What a beautiful turtle shell.

  3. Have a lovely weekend - it sounds really inviting.

  4. I hope you have a lovely weekend, camping!

  5. You have such amazing wildlife there. I could sit and watch it for hours.


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