
Monday, May 6, 2024

Sunday Adventures and Monday

Yesterday was, well, chilly and windy and husband definitely wasn't dressed for a lakeshore walk. I had extra coats in the car and bundled up with them, so I was okay. It definitely felt more like Autumn than Spring!

After the (very brief) beach walk we ended into the woods to do a woodland walk. The swamp was, well, too swampy. We've had a lot of rain and it had absolutely flooded the trail. We did manage to find another path into the woods trail, but we had to cross a very large puddle that someone had thoughtfully put down some thick branches across it. Luckily, we had hiking boots on. There were a group of people who were just wearing ordinary shoes who saw the puddle and turned back. 

It was nicer in the woods. There were lots of birds singing though most of them were what I like to call neck-breakers, up high in the trees lol. Husband was glad the walk was pretty flat as his feet were hurting a bit from walking a lot the day before at the sales. 

A couple of phone photos from the walk, including my Phone Photo - Things That Make Me Smile 126/366

We watched as a Grosbeak began to build a nest. This was fun to watch. A fellow walker/birder pointed out the bird and nest to us. 

Everything is starting to look so green!

Monday morning and back to the weekly routine again. I got up early and got out for a walk. It was a little chilly this morning but there was a beautiful sunrise 


What beautiful colours! Straight out of my phone. Wow. 

After that I stopped in to see a friend for a bit, did a grocery shop and then came home and did my dailies and tried to tidy up a bit. Seems as though I take two steps forward and one step back! 

I have got a list made for tomorrow and I have meal planning done for the week. I suppose that's a start! I want to see if I can get ten items - any sort - for the declutter pile tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Hope everyone had a good start to the week!


  1. It all looks very wet and splashy and that last photo is absolutely stunning. xx

    1. It was pretty chilly too! Thanks it was lovely to watch that sunrise.

  2. Replies
    1. That's what my walking friend and I call them as we have to tilt our heads back so far to even try to catch a glimpse of them.

  3. The colours on that sunrise photo are just amazing

    1. It was a rare treat! This morning it was more yellow that purple. I love those purple sunrises.

  4. Beautiful photos - the sunrise is stunning -and loved the video of the lake! The trees are definitely leafing out, aren't they? Sounds like you had a busy day on Monday. Hope today is going well.

    1. Thanks. The leaves are definitely popping. It's lovely to see the green. I loved that sunrise. It isn't always that colour, but that's what amazes me about sunrises.

  5. Those pics are beautiful, but that's a lot of water on those paths! It must have been a squelchy walk.


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