
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Start of the Week - no, it's Tuesday!

Ugh, the last couple of days that we've been back have been so hot. I'm not ready for it yet. I'm sweltering when I go to bed at night and sweltering in the morning. It certainly doesn't help that I'm of that menopausal age. It also doesn't help that we don't have the window air conditioners in yet. We don't have central air conditioning, just two window air conditioners - one for the downstairs and one for the upstairs. They aren't huge units, so it never gets really chilly, just even to stave off being truly unbearable. However, we take them out in winter and don't usually put them in until the beginning of June. We are supposed to get storms tonight and maybe, just maybe, the humidity will break, and things will be a bit more tolerable tomorrow. 

For now, most of the windows are open, but I don't like leaving them all open at night or when I'm away in the daytime. 

Our trip last weekend was to Ludington State Park. It's a beautiful state park set on the shores of Lake Michigan. It's a really popular place to camp. There are 355 camping sites at park - in three separate camping areas (including just 3 mini cabins). It's booked pretty solid during the summertime. There are lots of trails to walk including one to Big Sable Lighthouse. 

My favourite trail there to walk is the Lost Lake Trail. Perhaps it's just because of the name, but the scenery is really beautiful. Parts of it are quite deserted. 

These are all phone photos because - as usual - I'm behind with the camera pics lol. It was a great walk, between 4.5 and 5 miles all-in-all. We didn't rush around though. There is a shelter and seats to sit on along the trail. 

Today, I tried getting back in the swing of things. I cleaned out some bits that had been languishing on the top of the fridge. Baking items that I had good intentions of using. Sigh. They are cleaned and in the donate boxes. Three boxes ready to go again! Tomorrow I'm going to work on the coat closet again. I'm pretty sure there are things in there that were the 'kids' and they haven't used in years. I'm not even going to bother asking about them. I am just donating. We do still have one that lives with us but the other two haven't lived here for years. It's time for those things to go! 

Is anyone still decluttering? Do you find it an ongoing process? 


  1. Send me some of your warmer weather! It's in the mid to upper 60s here and I am chilly!
    Love photos of the place where you camped.
    Yes, I'm still decluttering and yes, it is an on-going process for me.

    1. I'm blowing some of the warmth your way. That's rather chilly for you!

  2. As soon as you get rid of the children's things they are sure to ask if you still have them! - That's what I've found - they even ask despite me moving so many times!

    1. Ha ha! I wonder if there ever comes a time when they get all their things from us? I don't remember leaving anything at Mum's and, if I did, I'm sure she got rid of it soon after!

  3. Lovely phoographs from your walk. I like the shadow photo.

    1. Thanks. That shadow photo is the way we usually do our selfies lol. A lot better than looking at our faces

  4. I love how you compose your photography and I'm learning from you. It's hammering down here and the road leaving my estate was flooded this morning. I've never seen that happen in that particular location before.

    1. Ah thanks. Sorry to hear about all the rain. I hope it dries up soon. Flooding is rather scary. We live on a hill so most of it drains to the bottom of the road, unless it puddles in the driveway and then it is a mess!


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