
Friday, September 27, 2024

It's Friday!

Well, by the time a lot of people read this it will be Saturday. Regardless, it's the end of another week. I wasn't the most productive today, but I did take care of bits and pieces that needed to be put away. I also spent time talking with daughter and messaging with my sister. Daughter has been away on a work trip for three days. It's her first long time away from her daughter. She did say they had been video chatting. Daughter was at the airport when she rang me. I was wondering how she was getting on. This might be TMI, but she is still nursing the baby and has been expressing milk. I wondered how she would get on at airport security with the way they are about liquids going through security. Apparently, she had a really good experience, so I'm pleased they take nursing mothers into consideration. She had gone prepared with bits of info off the TSA website and such if there were any problems. She said she is happy to be going home though she has enjoyed her adult interaction! She works from home usually, so it was good for her I think

My sister in Ipswich said things were going well. It's been pretty chilly there and a bit wet too. Think Autumn is definitely in the air. My BIL (other sister's husband) had his first chemo treatment and things went well apparently. I'm hoping he's not too sick from it. He did ok last time he had chemo though this treatment is a bit different. Sister sent some pictures of great nephews (so adorable) and of some of the birds she's seen and a few of the waterfront at night. I really appreciate our Friday sessions. Makes me feel a little less homesick. 

What's up for the weekend? Not sure yet. It might - or might not lol - rain tomorrow. I might - or might not - get up early and try for a walk. Husband and son are going to husband's friends' tomorrow afternoon so I'm planning on having a bath and a read while they are gone. Sunday we are going out to the lakeshore. One of my favourite beaches now has free parking as it's the off season so we are going there. We avoid it in the summer as parking is too much. It will be quieter this weekend too! 

Do you have plans for the weekend? How's the weather where you are? Is Autumn in the air? 

The Beginnings of Autumn

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