
Monday, September 16, 2024

New Week

I did strike everything off my list today, but there really wasn't as much on there as I should have put down. It's so hot right now I'm using that as an excuse. It's making me tired and more than a little grumpy. It also doesn't help that I have a darn dentist appointment tomorrow which has filled me with dread for weeks now. I've been trying not to think about it and I keep getting reminders! Ick. It's a cleaning but usually they find something that needs to be done. They seem to want to replace a lot of work and I really can't do that right now. I suppose I just need to be a little bit more forceful with my 'no's. 

The appointment tomorrow isn't until 11.10am so smack darn in the middle of my day sigh. I'm going to go for a walk beforehand. I am also going to stop at a couple places before dentist and a couple more after. I'm going to do a food shop on the way home. I have a list so hopefully I'll stick to it! I'm hoping to get away with not spending a fortune. I had some meat bits in the freezer and am working the meal plan around those for this week. I haven't got around to looking in my cookery books for new recipes yet. I did add a few magazines to the giveaway pile. That pile by my chair is slowly dwindling!

This beach hut made me smile.  The owners called it Windy Bottom. If you had a beach hut what would you call it? 


  1. Good luck with the dentist. You'll feel so much better when it's over.
    Beach huts can be very expensive to rent, even more to buy. I'm not sure I'd want something so vulnerable to the sea.

    1. They can be so expensive! I think there were a few in Suffolk that went for ridiculous prices.

  2. The beach hut made me smile, too. Good luck at the dentist's!

  3. Oh, I LOVE that beach hut. Brilliant!

    1. I love looking at the different ways people decorate them.


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