
Saturday, August 22, 2020

Any Magazine Hoarders?

Ok. So apparently my problem is not only books it is crafty magazines. I have SO many of them. I was sorting out a bookshelf when I realised the bottom shelf was filled with cross stitch magazines (these aren't the only magazines I have). There are so many of them. I was telling Mum that even if I lived to be 150 there was no way that I would be able to stitch all the designs I had marked in them. Yes, I had looked through each magazine and carefully put a post-it note on each design that I was interested in doing (in the past). That's how I knew there were too many. I cannot stitch that much. BUT they are so cute! X would love it! (this is my inner voice that had me holding onto them). Eek!

So today I am taking a break from the book sorting to sort through some magazines. I am sitting going through them, thinking about the designs I can realistically do or would be interested in doing. Depending on the state of the magazine I am either pulling out the designs, or keeping the whole magazine. I am tackling this the same way I am tackling the books - making a quick sweep through and getting rid of the ones I know I can and then I will go back at a later date and cut them down even more. Luckily some of these I can stick on Ebay for really cheap and make a little money. The others I will either donate or (the ones I've pulled apart) recycle.

I am keeping in mind the long term goal - I want to move somewhere up north, where the house will probably not be big, but there will be land around to enjoy. If it ends up being just a dream I will have a much cleaner house!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Photo to enjoy - one of the lovely young Blue Jays that visit my garden. This one is enjoying the sun. Makes me laugh!


  1. That is such a cute baby blue jay! Good luck letting go of the magazines....

  2. Let's caption this one...
    "one for me, and one for me and hold it...back up, it's all mine"
    Remember when that was pinterest? I have so many craft magazines with post it notes just like that

  3. Someone's admiring his fine feathers! :D

    Ah, yes, magazines! I once put up shelves in the garage to hold all my magazines - years worth of them! Cooking related magazines, home and garden type magazines, some crafts magazines (mostly knitting and my mother had some crochet ones). I still have some knitting magazines - practically everything in them is outdated, but, I still keep them!

    1. Phew - I'm not alone then. There are so many good projects in them!

  4. I used to but now I hand them on to a friend. The only ones I keep are the Slimming World magazines for the recipes.

    1. Good for you! I have recipe ones too - that's my next challenge. Daughter tells me I should just take a phone photo of the recipe and try it then delete or write out depending on whether it's good or not.

  5. I smiled when I read that you have a goal to move up north.. I thought you meant up north maybe where I live. Then I remembered that you are a Brit abroad. :-) I had a huge pile of cross stich and card making magazines up in the loft and I made Tony throw them out without me looking at them. I couldn't have done it otherwise.

    1. I'd love that to be the north I was talking about! Ack. Not sure I could handle hubby throwing them all out. Hopefully I'll make good progress by myself.

  6. You can do it be strong, focus on the move and it will become easier. Great photo, a joy to see.


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