
Monday, July 15, 2024

I was all set up to write a post yesterday and I only remembered once I was in bed! Can't believe I forgot. of course, now I can't remember what I was going to write about. Well, maybe it was just a moan about the heat and humidity and the bitey flies that are making an appearance. Sigh. I'm actually not going to do any (more) moaning about that for now. 

Yesterday, we didn't go out. I didn't go far at all. It was rather dreary first thing but as soon as the drizzle stopped, I went out for a walk at a place not too far away. It was lovely and quiet. It was a rather nice walk before it got too hot. I like walking there as, at this time of year, there are some lovely wildflowers growing. I took some pics with my camera and a few with my phone. I'd really like to label a few of them and maybe make a photo book. I have wildflower books, but to be honest, sometimes I can't tell what the flower is from their photos! 

Admittedly, my phone photos aren't the greatest, but I'm hoping the camera pics come out a bit better

The top one is Bergamot, the next two are Coneflowers and the next is Milkweed. I love Milkweed. The lifecycle of the plant is just amazing. I might have to do a post on just that!

The bottom photo is one of the ponds that I walked around. The place I walked is Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery. 

The pic below is what made me smile for the day. As you walk in they do have a notice that tells you the coyotes are just decoys. Makes me wonder whether anyone reported them thinking they were real! It made me laugh that this swan was not at all bothered by the 'predator'. 

How was your weekend? 


  1. Are the decoy coyotes there to deter real coyotes?

    1. Somebody told me they were there to try to detract the Canadian Geese that tend to gather along the ponds and leave, well, lots of poo. It doesn't seem to have deterred them either!

  2. Are you aware of the connection between milkweed and monarch butterflies? Milkweed should be a protected species for the goodness it provides for our beloved Monarchs.

    1. Yes! I kept hoping I would see lots of Monarch caterpillars and butterflies on the Milkweed plants that seem quite plentiful this year, but sadly I saw just the one caterpillar.

  3. Your wildflower photos are lovely and I love how the decoy doesn't seem to fool the swan one bit!

  4. I find the Google image search is pretty good at identifying photos of flowers.
    Lovely photos as always. xx


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