
Friday, July 19, 2024

That Darn Squirrel

I'm being polite in the title to this post. I have a few other not-so-polite names for that little red squirrel in the garden. I've spent far too much time on it this week. There are a lot of squirrels in our garden, all varieties including other little red squirrels, but it's just this one that has a sweet tooth and really wants that grape jelly/jam and if it can't get hold of that it wants something else up the poles unavailable to critters on the ground. 

When I first put the baffle up it was confused. When it couldn't access the jelly/jam it went for something else. On another pole feeder it figured out a way to jump from just below the baffle up to the container where it could hang on and eat its contents. I then moved it up higher so it couldn't do that. Problem solved, right? Nope. It then decided the suet up the next pole would be worth going for. It went up onto the bird bath and jumped onto the suet. Sigh. I moved the bird bath. Problem solved. Nope. It then decided to go back to the jelly/jam. It decided the best course of action would be to climb up onto a planter (quite a way away) and try to jump from the planter to the jelly/jam. Darn Squirrel managed to do it too! I then tugged and pulled and managed to turn the planter a bit. Hope that's problem solved. At least it has been for today. I'm sure that darn squirrel has gone away to contemplate its next move. My imagination has this playing like a cartoon in my head, sort of like Peter Rabbit and Mr McGregor. Sigh. 

I had a pleasant walk this morning. It was a lovely day, not too cold, not too hot. My sort of Goldilocks day lol. I didn't go anywhere after my walk. I came home, did a bit of house stuff and even went into the craft room for a bit. I didn't get a lot done, more shuffling one thing from one pile to another. At least it was comfortable enough to get up there! In the afternoon I chatted with my sister. It was a nice sort of day. 

The weekend should be relaxing too. We won't be going far. Husband had to go away for work this past week. It involved a drive of over 700 miles, sleep one night, work the next day, sleep and drive back another 700 miles! Next week, on Thursday, we are going with MIL & FIL (so they can meet the baby) to meet up halfway with daughter, SIL and baby A (another 300 mile journey). A lot of driving for husband. It's also his birthday on Sunday so I'm gifting him a day off taking me anywhere lol. 

That Darn Squirrel up on top of one of the feeder poles. 


  1. You have to give that squirrel full marks for trying! LOL.
    There was a youtube video someone had posted about the squirrel obstacle course he set up in his garden and how the squirrels managed to get around just about each challenge. If you do a search for squirrel obstacle course, you will find several videos!

  2. lol - this reminds me of my Dad's battles with the black squirrels that abounded where they used to live. I think it ended up with the squirrel just ahead. One squirrel trick was to jump onto the bird feeder, jump off again to set it spinning and then to scoff all the nuts/seeds that fell to the ground. We had endless amusement from that one. xx

  3. I know they're a pest, but they are so enterprising and intelligent and entertaining. Great photographs:-) Happy birthday to your husband - I hope he appreciates your generosity.


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