
Monday, September 16, 2024

New Week

I did strike everything off my list today, but there really wasn't as much on there as I should have put down. It's so hot right now I'm using that as an excuse. It's making me tired and more than a little grumpy. It also doesn't help that I have a darn dentist appointment tomorrow which has filled me with dread for weeks now. I've been trying not to think about it and I keep getting reminders! Ick. It's a cleaning but usually they find something that needs to be done. They seem to want to replace a lot of work and I really can't do that right now. I suppose I just need to be a little bit more forceful with my 'no's. 

The appointment tomorrow isn't until 11.10am so smack darn in the middle of my day sigh. I'm going to go for a walk beforehand. I am also going to stop at a couple places before dentist and a couple more after. I'm going to do a food shop on the way home. I have a list so hopefully I'll stick to it! I'm hoping to get away with not spending a fortune. I had some meat bits in the freezer and am working the meal plan around those for this week. I haven't got around to looking in my cookery books for new recipes yet. I did add a few magazines to the giveaway pile. That pile by my chair is slowly dwindling!

This beach hut made me smile.  The owners called it Windy Bottom. If you had a beach hut what would you call it? 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Some Random Bits, Plans and Pictures

I'm gradually getting back into the groove of things, but I still feel a little bit of post-holiday blues. It always seems worse when coming back from a visit to family knowing it will be a while before I see them again. There were lots of good times had though and that's what I'll try to look back upon. I allowed myself last week to be a little blah about everything, but now it's time to get back into the groove of things. 

I have been writing myself a little list each day and it does seem to help things plodding along. I need to get back on the decluttering wagon. It just seems a little overwhelming and I need to pick a place to start. Even over these last few days I've been picking up some magazines to sort through. They are one of the things on my list to read and let go of, an easy thing to do you would think. There are a few that I will pass on to someone else and others I've ripped a page or two out of and the rest will be going into the recycle pile. I shall continue with that again this week. There's a pile by my chair that I am going to get through this week. 

Another thing I need to get a handle on is the food shopping. I know that prices have gone up in England, but I was surprised at how much cheaper food was there than here in the US. It makes me cringe when I see some of the prices I'm paying for basic items. So, the plan going forward is to make sure I shop around for prices. I used to do it a lot when we were on a tighter budget, but I sort of got out of the habit. There is a new Aldi's opening up nearer us and I shall make sure to check out their vegetable prices. I am going to look for some new recipes so that I can combine sales with some new menu choices. I want to make sure I use up all of the ingredients in the fridge, perhaps having a clear-up day at the end of the week when it's a hodge-podge of items. 

Any tips for cutting down the budget? I meal plan each week which does cut down on impromptu visits to the shops and unnecessary buys. Any recipe sites you really like? I'm also looking for some lovely British recipes - tried and tested hopefully!

Think that's enough for today. I'm going to think on the decluttering and where to start. 

Leaving this with a few pics from the visit. I took a lot of them!

My sister and I visited The Castle on the Hill - Framlingham Castle. I've been there a few times, but for my sister it was her first visit. We had a fun time!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Back - Normal Service to Presume ha ha!

I'm back from England. Had a lovely time. Didn't really want to come back. Lol. No, I am excited that I will be seeing Granddaughter soon. Sister and I had lots of lovely walks. Me, her and her husband had a nice weekend away and lots of good times. I shall miss her. Can't wait for next year! The weather was really quite lovely. There were a couple of nights of rain, but had cleared up by the time we went out and only one day where the weather was miserable. That, of course, was the day we wanted it to be dry! Sister had arranged for a small family get together. My other sister and her husband were there, as was my brother, his partner and three of his grandchildren. My sister who I was staying with had her two adult children there with their children. We all met at a local social club they belong too. There is a football field out the back where the children could play. Luckily, there was a break in the weather and the children could all play together outside. We ordered fish and chips and had a great old time with lots of chat and a few drinks. 

Of course, now comes the struggle to get back into the groove and get things at home back on track. It was nice just being away from the house and all the stuff that goes with it. I had good intentions to think about plans while I was away, but in reality, I didn't think about the house a lot at all. That means that I have to think about it now! 

Me having a paddle. 

Hope everyone is having a good end to the summer. I came back to rather hot weather - which I hadn't missed at all! My sister says they've had a few chilly days since I've left. Not sure I'd like that much either lol. 

Back tomorrow!