
Friday, January 31, 2020

End of Week

Thanks for all the suggestions on the last post. I'm still not feeling too creative, but I did go up in my room and make a few cards. I do have to make one for my sister's 60th birthday in March so I've been looking around for ideas. I still have a little while to think I guess.

I have been reading a LOT - you might be able to see from the sidebar. My goal on Goodreads is to read 100 books. The rate I'm reading it might be a lot more than that. I suppose there could be worse things that I could be doing. Most of these books will be leaving the house once they are read so that's another good thing.

It's almost the weekend again. Husband and I are hoping there will be some sunshine on Sunday (it is forecast but we know how that goes) so we can get out and go for a walk somewhere. I hope everyone has a good weekend!


  1. Your cards are lovely! Hope you have sunshine this weekend and enjoy your weekend walk. :)

  2. Beautiful cards, hope the weather is good and that you are able to go for your walk as planned.


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