
Friday, April 12, 2024

Friday - Sorting and Decluttering

Ugh. Rainy Day. Most of the day. I tried for a walk but got wet so basically did a tiny one. Later in the day it did brighten up a bit, but it was very windy. I kept looking out of the window at one of the trees in the garden. It's a pine of some kind but looks dead. We need to have someone come cut it down but have been procrastinating. We are going to make it a priority once we get back from visiting daughter. I really don't want it to come down in a storm. It's huge and really close to the property line. 

I spent the day doing quite a bit of sorting. There are another 43 books added to the donate pile. WOW! I'm on a roll. I've done way more than the target I expected and am quite pleased with myself. There is still a LOT to go. I can't believe how I can fit this many books in my house. It isn't that big. I also sorted out a two-cube unit that was mostly books and had camera stuff on the top. The books have gone, and the camera stuff is now in the cube unit so it's looking a lot tidier. 

I also went up in the craft room and sorted through a container full of ribbons. I sorted out several that could be donated. There was some spare space, so I put in some other random ribbons that were not put away. 

Husband also took 5 boxes of (not books) donations to the charity shop. So far, I'm quite pleased with what I've managed to get rid of this month. I need to keep plugging along. 

Phone Photos from the quick walk

Just puddles lol. There was lots of water around. 

Things That Make Me Smile 103/366

A lovely candle that made things a little brighter today. I have a lot of candles and am really trying to actively use them. It smelled lovely!


  1. You're doing brilliantly and even if you stopped now for a bit of a break, you would still be much further on - good for you! xx

    1. I actually feel good about it. At this stage I'm trying to just let go of the things that are easy to do and sort of organising the rest. I will make another sweep through and have to make some harder decisions!

  2. Wow! Very soon you won't have any books left to declutter! Well done! We are supposed to get rain over the weekend; it was very overcast, today.

    1. Ha ha! I wish. Sadly there are a LOT more. Hope it doesn't rain too much!

  3. Your candle is a beautiful colour - just looking at it is enough to cheer one up.

    1. It was so bright and cheery. Made me smile and it smelled good too.

  4. Next cold rainy day, I'm lighting my candles. I forget to once evenings stay lighter longer. Rainy days sure are good declutter days though.

    1. I usually do too! I'm trying to use up some of them though so I thought it would brighten up my mood a little. I hated the rain but I was definitely productive!


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