
Thursday, April 11, 2024

Week Flying By

 It was another lovely day yesterday. I spent far too much time outside. Good thing too as today it was chucking it down. The rain is supposed to last through tomorrow too! I am not pleased. 

As I said, yesterday I did spend quite a bit of time walking with my friend, then I (finally) had a much-needed haircut, ran a couple of errands and still managed to get a bit done at home. 

101/366 Lovely blue skies for my walk. Everything was so wonderfully calm.  Quite a change from today lol. I certainly made the most of it!

Today I stayed in. I procrastinated quite a bit and got a little distracted by an unusual garden visitor. 


A Turkey! It was around the garden quite a bit. My neighbour's dog came out for a little while and scared the poor turkey up into one of the large pines at the back of the garden! I did not know that turkeys could fly that high and get up in the trees but apparently, they do!

I did get some house things done 


Another 13 books to add to the pile!!!

I also finished sorting through the clothes. I can check that off the list! There is still a long way to go, but I feel as though I'm starting to make progress!

I also had a video chat with daughter and Baby A. She was babbling away and trying to grab the phone! Then I messaged with my sister. We usually do this on Friday but she's off for the weekend as it's her husband's 60th birthday and their family, daughters and grandchildren included are having a weekend away. We'll do the same next week as we are leaving for daughter's house on Friday. 

Hopefully back tomorrow. More rain, probably, so maybe more sorting progress!


  1. I'm glad you got in a long walk before the rains came! Well done with all the decluttering! Is Baby A sleeping better these days? You are going to have so much fun playing with her when you go up to visit your daughter!

    1. She's sleeping a lot better at night time - almost through the night. But she doesn't sleep a lot during the day time. She's too afraid to miss out on anything. I am so excited to be able to see her again and give her cuddles.

  2. The rain makes you grateful for the sun when it deigns to appear.
    We only see turkeys in their oven-ready form and I don't suppose they look much like their wild cousins before that.

    1. It certainly does! Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny so I'm looking forward to a walk. I don't like Turkeys. I'd never seen one live before until I moved here. They can be mean. I got chased by one once. I stay well clear of them now lol

  3. I am gradually sorting through all my boxes of craft stuff and hope to reduce it by half. I'm overwhelmed with stuff.

    1. I'm struggling with the craft stuff, but slowly going through it.


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